Homeland Security
VIF-FICCI Homeland Security Conference 2023: Cyber, AI & Data Analytics for Internal Security

There has been much contemplation on the development of new technologies and their role in the progress of our societies. It is widely observed that when a nation is on a progress path with new technologies, the security aspect has been the least considered component during the development of these technologies. As many technologies are like the double-edged sword, they can be used or abused. There is a need for us to switch into the ‘mission’ mode and work towards the management and security of the cyberspace.

VIF-FICCI Homeland Security Conference on Cyber Crime Management, FICCI Auditorium, New Delhi

The two day conference had the an objective of bringing together stakeholders of the cyber security domain i.e. the Government, intelligence agencies, police, industry, academia and think tanks, in promoting development and implementation of systems and concepts in effectively dealing with growing threat of cyber crimes.

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