nuclear tests
Is North Korea’s Missile Firings a Bigger Flashpoint than the Taiwan Issue?

Among the two potential flashpoints i.e. the Taiwan Strait and North Korea’s nuclear issue, recent developments suggest that the Taiwan issue could be a greater concern as China’s threatening statements put the US and other stakeholders on the ed....

Assessing Kim Jong Un’s 10-year Rule and Possible Future

The month December 2021 marked the 10th anniversary of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s ascent to power following death of his father, the late Kim Jong Il, on 17 December 2011. He ruled from 1994 to 2011 and died of a heart attack at the age of 6....

North Korean Imbroglio: In a Decisive Phase

In the last six weeks the long simmering North Korean question has escalated to a crisis and has brought North East Asia on the brink of a nuclear disaster. North Korea embarked on the path of seeking nuclear weapon capacity in late 1980’s. Dur....

Thoughts for Change - We can do it; APJ Abdul Kalam & A Sivathanu Pillai; Pentagon Press; PP 289; Price Rs 495

The ancient civilization Sindhu/Indus/Hindu/India- steeped in arts, culture, administration and most of all science and a great reserve of natural resources, became a lucrative target for marauders who converted or killed and either way, plundered, ....

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