Terrorism and Extremism Trends in Bharat: Review of 2022 and Prognosis for 2023

उद्धरेदात्मनात्मानं नात्मानमवसादयेत् | आत्मैव ह्यात्मनो बन्धुरात्मैव रिपुरात्मन: || [Transla....

New Trends in Terrorism

On 25 November 2022, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organised a brainstorming session on the “New Trends in Terrorism”, focussing on the lessons learned from the 2008 Mumbai Terror attacks. Under the Chatham House Rules, ....

Radicalization in India- An Exploration

Bharat has been at the receiving end of radicalisation and Islamic terrorism for over three decades. In the study of terrorism/counter-terrorism, the terms radicalisation, religious extremism, and terrorism are frequently used interchangeably. To exp....

Ban on Popular Front of India - A Long Overdue Step

… strong legal measures, including a law on radicalization and terror funding are the need of the hour to clearly state that attempts to challenge India’s unity and integrity will be firmly dealt with ... red-lines need to be drawn for the media,....

Ayman al-Zawahiri is Dead: The Ending of a Chapter of al-Qa’ida’s Founding Fathers!

On 02 August 2022, United States (US)’ President Joe Biden made a public announcement about a successful counter-terrorism operation carried out by the US forces in Kabul, Afghanistan. On 30 July 2022, on command of US President Biden, the Central ....

Assessment of Islamic State Khorasan Province

Tarjuman Al-Asawirti, a pro-Islamic State (ISIS) media outlet, released a video in English titled "The Crusade Shaming Tactics." The video starts with the following message, "Manipulators use strategies to make others feel pitiful and they can....

A Compendium of Terrorist Groups

The last three decades has seen the South and West Asian regions turning into a hot bed of terror activities. Spreading from these regions, and alongside by many other isolated areas across the globe, terrorism today has become the biggest threat to ....

Global Terrorism Trends in 2021 & Projections for 2022

संधिविग्रहयोस्तुल्यायां वृद्धौ संधिमुपेयात्।
[Translation: If there is an equal benefit in peace or war, he (the king) should choose peace.] ....

Terrorism Studies (National): Review of 2021 & Projections for 2022

Despite the outbreak of the China-origin coronavirus aka COVID-19 in late 2019 and the continuation of this fatal virus spread globally in 2020, the year 2021 has witnessed the continuation in the terrorism-related incidents, linked directly or indir....

Afghanistan Mired in Uncertainty

Taliban after illegitmately wresting power in Afghanistan has entered its fourth month. However the country remains in chaos and at the edge of abyss. United Nations(UN) has warned that Afghanistan is on countdown to catasrophe and it is at the brin....

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