Illegal immigration
Neighborhood News Digest- 18 June 2024

Afghans Celebrate Eid Without Security Incidents-Tolo News
Residents of the capital and other provinces of the country celebrated the first day of Eid al-Adha by performing the Eid prayer, slaughtering animals, and....

National Register of Citizens (NRC) - The Next Steps

The process of filing appeals against the draft National Register of Citizens (NRC) for the State of Assam, published on July 30, is underway. Individuals can file for review till October 28 and hearings will begin from December 15 this year. About 4....

Is NRC Only for Assam, or to be Extended to All States Where Bangladesh Migrants Have Spread?

The National Register of Citizens (NRC) contains the names of Indian citizens in Assam. It specifically emphasizes on inclusion of all those who came to India after first January 1966 and before twenty-fifth March 1971 as Indian citizens. It was init....

The NRC process: Both Complex and Necessary

If we disentangle politics from the ongoing process to prepare a National Register of Citizens (NRC) for Assam, we will better understand the ‘what, why and how’ of the exercise, its enormity, and its necessity from both the State and the nationa....

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