Moon Plans to Phase out Nuclear Energy in South Korea

As time runs out for South Korean President Moon Jae-in as his tenure ends in May 2022, two issues are confronting him that he wants to resolve. Both are tough. One is dealing with North Korea and working a path towards drawing North Korean leader Ki....

Xi Jinping’s New Slogan of Common Prosperity is Worrying People

‘Common Prosperity’ has become the new buzzword in the People's Republic of China since August 2021. The term provokes varying emotions ranging from fear and apprehension to a sense that the government is finally addressing the rising Gini coeffi....

Transcending Social Media: Facebook to Meta amid Controversies

October was not good news for the social media giant Facebook and family including WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger. It came under serious criticism when on October 4, a whistleblower named Frances Haugen who had earlier leaked documents of Facebook....

Fumio Kishida, newly elected leader of the Liberal Democratic Party

The 49th general election of members of the House of Representatives in Japan (Lower House) was held on 31 October 2021, as required by the Constitution of Japan. Voting took place in all Representatives constituencies including proportional blocks, ....

"नए युग" में चीन का गहन रूपांतरण

चीनी विदेश मंत्रालय के प्रवक्ता ने 22 सितंबर 2021 को एक हैरतअंगेज वक्तव्य दिया, जिसके मुताबिक "...गलव�....

Border Management: Challenges and Opportunites

(The following is the updated version of Keynote Address delivered by the Director VIF at Security and Policy Initiatves (SAPI)Conference on 26th October 2021) Borderlands are subject to diverse influences. The peripheries of a country are....

A Welcome Reset in India-Nepal Relations Amidst Chinese Encroachment of Nepalese Territories

A New Beginning
Amidst the gloom and pessimism in India-Nepal relations in the past five years, the two countries now seem to be moving towards a reset in bilateral ties. Since taking office in July 2021, the newly appointed Prime Minist....

An Assessment of International Coalition Forces Intervention in Afghanistan

The Al Qaeda attack on the twin towers on 9 September 2001 turned America’s global war on terror into a crusade. The operation Enduring Freedom commenced in Afghanistan on 07 October 2001 followed by Desert Storm in Iraq (2003). Our focus in th....

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