Technological and Scientific Studies
Vimarsh on Technological Aspects of Indian Strategy by Shri Sridhar Vembu, Founder & CEO, Zoho Corporation, India

In the contemporary Information age, technology has become an integral and ever-present part of every nation’s society. Technology has empowered citizens in various ways, including ease of access to technology and States’ economic sectors benefit....

Winning the War Against Space Debris: An International Imperative

… there is a massive amount of space debris already in orbit … the amount will continue to grow … debris removal methods and their quick operationalisation will have to find ways to co-exist and promote the ongoing safety, security, and sustain....

Semiconductor FABs: A National Mission

… improvements in semiconductor and related technologies would have direct impact on the security, economy, society, and human society ... chip dependent systems would contribute substantially towards the comprehensive power of the nations and woul....

Swami Vivekananda and Sister Nivedita: Pioneers of Indian Scientific Research

…. These personalities were intellectual giants in their respective fields … they were willing to accommodate each others, views for the larger goal of India's scientific development … more than 100 years back, foresight of these greats rem....

Protection of National Critical Information Infrastructure

India is in the next phase of digital transformation. The digital presence of economic and national security infrastructure is growing in the country at a rapid pace. All critical infrastructures are dependent and have integrated cyber technologies f....

Changing Dimensions of Information Warfare

The changing character of war and its emerging dimensions which are often referred to as grey zone, non-contact, cyber, and information warfare, are fuelling some serious debates/actions across the world and these aspects are now a part of every coun....

Transcending Social Media: Facebook to Meta amid Controversies

October was not good news for the social media giant Facebook and family including WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger. It came under serious criticism when on October 4, a whistleblower named Frances Haugen who had earlier leaked documents of Facebook....

India in Space Domain - Pathbreaking Developments

… in global politics, a new arms race in the form of military-oriented applications for space is becoming dominant .. space assets therefore are attractive targets for adversaries .. capability to use space for commercial, scientific and military p....

Social Media in Violent Conflicts – Recent Examples

… the very technology that is cause of the problem, can be used to correct it too .. Artificial Intelligence can help social media platforms spot lies, identify doctored videos and photographs and track the dissemination of falsehoods by domestic ....

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