Sudan-South Sudan Rapprochement and Its Implications for the Region and Beyond

After a decade-long impasse, the borders between Sudan and South Sudan reopened on 1st October, 2021. With this first step of rapprochement, two countries can now slowly advance towards stabilizing the ties between them. On 12th September Sudanese Pr....

Future of Post-Islamist Morocco and India-Morocco Relations

In the parliamentary elections of 8th September, Morocco’s long-ruling Islamists suffered a crushing defeat by the liberal parties. With just 12 seats, Islamist Justice and Development (PJD)Party finished much behind its main rivals, the National R....

Military Coup in Guinea and its Implications for Democratic Governance in Africa

In the early morning of Sunday, heavy gunfire was heard near Guinea’s presidential palace, in capital Conakry, prompting fear of instability. This was followed by social media updates, where people of Guinea saw their President Mr. Condé being hel....

Taliban Triumph in Afghanistan and India’s Counter-Terrorism Policy against Islamist Extremism in Africa

On 15th August, 2021, in a dramatic turn of events, Kabul, the capital city of Afghanistan, was taken over by the Taliban insurgent groups. While the collapse of Afghanistan government and its national army was somewhat predictable once the US announ....

The Importance of Ethiopian Elections

The Parliamentary elections in Ethiopia held on 21 June 2021 come at a very important time for the future of Ethiopia, and the Horn of Africa. With 120 million people, Ethiopia is the second most populous African country. It was economically growing ....

उत्तरी मोजाम्बिक में बढ़ता आतंकवादी खतरा

दि रिपब्लिक ऑफ मोजाम्बिक 2017 से ही बढ़ते आतंकवादी हमलों का गवाह रहा है। पहला आतंकवादी हमला मोजाम....

The Rising Terrorist Threat in Northern Mozambique

The Republic of Mozambique since 2017 has witnessed a rise in terrorist attacks. The country witnessed its first attack on 5th October 2017 in a small town of Mocimboa da Praia - which lies in the Cabo Delgado province of Mozambique1. Sinc....

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