Former Ambassador of India to Zimbabwe

Presidential Elections in Venezuela: Yet Another Fraud upon Democracy The 28th July witnessed another presidential election marred by the allegations of large- scale fraud in Venezuela. Contrary to the predictions before the counting was over, the incumbent president from PSUV (the United Socialist Party of Venezuela) ...

India and the Parliamentary Elections in Maldives The general elections for the National Majlis (Parliament) of Maldives were conducted on 22nd April. According to the results, the Peoples National Congress (PNC) of President Mohammed Muizzu and its poll partner Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) r...

How Real is the Possibility of India-China and India-Pakistan Conflict in 2024 The “Annual Threat Assessment Report” released by the US Directorate of National Intelligence on 11th March is being widely discussed these days as it has warned that the escalation of tension between India and China in one theatre and India and ...

Maldives: Paying for the Wrong Choices The Maldives has been gathering news headlines for all the wrong reasons. From the “India Out” in the election manifesto of the Progressive Political Party (PPM) to unwarranted diatribes of junior ministers to the ugly brawl in the parliament of ...

Venezuela-Guyana Standoff-another possible flash point in Latin America On Sunday, 3rd December, Venezuela declared, through a five- question referendum, that the Essequibo province of its eastern neighbour Guyana belonged to Venezuela following which the Venezuelan parliament passed a resolution on 6th December to annex...

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