Historical and Civilisational Studies
Revival of the Ancient Indian Martial Art of Kalaripayattu

Kalaripayattu or Kalari is popularly known as the ‘mother of martial arts’ for specific reasons. The term ‘Kalari’ refers to the martial art and the arena where it is taught and practiced, while ‘payattu’ means combat or practice. The tra

Is Vasudhaiva Kuṭumbakam a Pacifist Notion? Discussing the Blind Application of the Phrase

Introduction: A Brief Background of the Phrase and its Usage at International Forums
As India ascended the G20 presidency, the discussions on its theme, ‘Vasudhaiva Kuṭumbakam’, became widespread. The theme’s motto is ‘One Eart

Vatican Repudiates the ‘Doctrine of Discovery’: A Close Reading of the Statement and its Mixed Responses

Context: Vatican Disowns, but does not rescind, ‘Doctrine of Discovery’[1]
During Pope Francis’ visit to Canada in 2022, he formally apologised to the country�

Buddhism and India’s Soft Power Diplomacy

India has always been aware of the need to avoid using military might as the cornerstone of its foreign policy since gaining independence. The values of peaceful coexistence have governed India since Jawaharlal Nehru's Panchsheel principles. Though I

The Decline and Reclamation of the Discourse on Duties

Introduction: The Conflict between Rights and Duties
Unlike the language of rights that have received great momentum in the contemporary world, the language of duty is seemingly less popular. The notion where rights are met through the f

Cultural Entrepreneurship for Shaping Brand India

This Podcast features Arunima Gupta, Principal at Network of Indian Cultural Enterprises (NICEorg). NICEorg works towards strengthening cultural entrepreneurship in India by promoting and empowering cultural entrepreneurs through training, funding, n

How Ayurveda can Power the Development of a Global Health Culture

The Global Burden of Disease Study reveals that people live longer but with more diseases. The global burden of disease is shifting from infectious diseases to non-communicable diseases; chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, can

The Unbroken Guru-Sishya tradition and The Continuity of Bharatvarsha

Bharatvarsh, the nation that is today Bharat, has an antiquity dating back to the Vedic period -- at least 3500 years before. There is no land and people on this earth who have been aligned like Bharatvarsh and Bharatiyas. Their alignment has an anti

India: Mother of Democracy @G20

India is a country of 1.3 billion people, and the value of democracy and rule of law is embedded in its culture. The country has been a champion of democracy and the rule of law at every international forum. At the G20 Summit in Osaka last year, Prim

Sister Nivedita and India’s Freedom Struggle

As we recently completed 75 years of Indian independence and will also observe the 155th birth anniversary of Sister Nivedita (1867-1911) on 28 October, it is time to uncover a not-so-well-known part of the history of our freedom struggle—Sister Ni

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