Commentaries & Articles
The Wanshou dialogue on the Global Security, Beijing

The Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament organised the first Wanshou Dialogue on the Global Security on 20-21 June 2018. The deliberations were divided into three sections: Sino-US Relations and the Asia-Pacific Security Situation....

Putin-Trump Summit: Untangling the Knots

Ensuring Peace is a global good and a responsibility of all countries and stake holders. But it is more so of the Hyper and Super powers, who always indulge in the political chess games and move their rooks adroitly and sometimes bluntly, to ensure t....

Samvad: the Fourth Symposium held in Tokyo - A Report

In 2015, Prime Minister Modi and Prime Minister Abe of Japan had mooted a unique idea of a holding a regular dialogue on ‘Samvad’ amongst Asians to discuss conflict avoidance, and philosophical and cultural heritage of Buddhism and Hinduism, the ....

A Significant Visit from the Land of the ‘Princess of Ayodhya’

South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in paid a highly significant visit to India on 8-11 July 2018 to cement his ‘New Southern Policy’ of increased focus on India and ASEAN countries. President Moon repeatedly said that his administration’s objec....

Bangladesh: Demand for Elections under Caretaker Government

Election times are quintessentially interesting, more so when some of the South Asian countries are involved. The element of unpredictability and host of other varied considerations surrounding any election in the region, makes these events an analys....

Pakistan on Financial Action Task Force ‘Grey List’

After a long period of dormancy Pakistan finally enters the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) list which comes as no rude awakening to either of its neighbours, India as well as China. The FATF took the imminent decision to place Pakistan on its....

Deterrence Failure or Lasting Peace, the Korean Game’s Up for Grabs

James Clapper, former director of national intelligence of the Barack Obama administration – otherwise a severe critic of the US President Donald J Trump’s various policies 1- recalled in a 19 May 2018 article for the New York Time....

Strategy of Military and Non-Military Measures: Imperative for Stability in Kashmir

Introduction War of perception is a tool to expand the domains of conflict geographically and demographically. Pakistan and its proxies have created an impression as if entire Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) is fighting a separatist movemen....

योग और नैतिकता का भारतीय स्वरूप

सितंबर, 2014 में प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी संयुक्त राष्ट्र महासभा में गए और पूरी दुनिया अचंभे मे�....

Iran’s Nuclear Deal, Oil and US Sanctions

A meeting of the Joint Commission established under Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) took place in Vienna on 6th July. The Joint Commission was set up as the mechanism to resolve any disputes arising out of implementation of the Iran nucle....

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