Implications of Nepal's Withdrawal from BIMSTEC Military Exercise in India

The first ever Field Training Military Exercise or MILEX-18 of the seven member countries of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Cooperation (BIMSTEC), has been organised at Indian Army`s Foreign Training Node at Aundh, in Pune from 10th ....

Why Failure of Aramco’s IPO launch is Good News for India?

In early 2017, Aramco, the world’s most profitable oil company, was planning an Initial Public Offer (IPO) with the desired valuation of 2 trillion USD. Aramco’s planned IPO has created anxiety for the oil importers and excitement for internation....

Modi's Cultural Diplomacy: Bearing Fruits in Nepal

During his Premiership of four years, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Nepal four times – twice in 2014 and twice in 2018. He did not visit any other South Asian country as many times as he has visited Nepal, which amply demonstrates his....

Is BIMSTEC Finding due Attention?

Conceived and formed in 1997 at Bangkok initially as a grouping of Bay of Bengal littoral countries, the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) grouping has expanded to include hinterland countries li....

The Tehran Summit

The trilateral Summit of Iran, Turkey and Russia concluded in Tehran on 7th September with a reaffirmation of support for the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Syria. The Summit once again underlined the central role of Ru....

Developments in West Asia, August 2018

Jordan-Palestine Confederation
President Trump had spoken about his “ Deal of the Century” for resolving the Palestinian issue. He also created a huge controversy and immense setback to the prospects of the Middle East Peace Process w....

Visit of the Chinese Defence Minister: A Missed Opportunity to Establish Hot Line between the Two Armies?

The Chinese Defence Minister, Lieutenant General Wei Fenghe, visited India for four days, from 21 to 24 Aug 181. This visit was significant from more than one perspective. First, it was the first visit by a defence minister from China not ....

Will China Boycott Goods from the United States of America?

The United States of America (U.S.) and the People’s Republic of China (China), are locked in a fierce trade tussle. Both countries have imposed tariffs which threaten to de-stabilise the integrated global economic order. China has a history of bel....

Indus Commissioners Meeting at Lahore: Need for a New Approach to Indus Waters Treaty

India and Pakistan have just concluded their 115th Indus Commissioners` meeting at Lahore. The meeting involving technical discussions, was successful to the extent that the structured dialogue process within the provisions of the Indus Water Treaty ....

Bangladesh's quest for Sufi and Liberal Space

Sufis are accepted as a moderate strain of Islam and often being described as the ‘Mystic Muslim’ too. Historian Richard Eaton has identified several strands and references to Sufis and Pirs during 16th Century in the documented Musli....

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