Contemplating Deterrence by ‘Integrated Missile and Rocket Force’

“Sorry to keep you waiting. I’m here! Dongfeng Express at your service!” is what Peoples Liberation Army Rocket Force (PLARF) wrote in February 2019, in its first post on Sina Weibo, the Chinese Twitter. PLARF took the name “Dongfeng Express,....

Overview of Geopolitics in 2022 and Looking at 2023

The Year 2022 saw the organizing principles of the international system become more fragmented even with facade of multilateral summitry. Despite US unipolar moment receding, China’s ascendancy has yet to translate into US decline. With absence of ....

Defence Procurement & Production: A Feel of Fresh Air as the New Year Dawns

Premise A few days into the New Year and thinking of the year gone by, one gets a feel of ‘fresh air’ in the entire stance of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and their attitude towards the entire gamut of defence procurement. A resurgent mood is e....

G20 Needs Inclusivity, Efficiency and a “Delhi Consensus”

The Indian presidency of the G20 has taken cognizance of the challenge of achieving just and equitable growth for all the peoples of the world in a sustainable, holistic, responsible, and inclusive manner. It is founded on the philosophy of Vasudhaiv....

Geopolitical mires of 2022 and the way forward for India

The challenge for India and other developing nations is to find an optimal adjustment to a segmented globalisation. 2022 revealed some interesting truths about today’s world order. As the dominant superpower confronts the challenge from an aspir....

Central Asia: A Look Back at 2022 and Projections for 2023

Background The year 2022 has been challenging for the Central Asian region. In addition to the widespread anti-government protests resulting from the tumultuous internal socio-economic and political environment, the external impact of the Ukrainia....

G20 Presidency is a Celebration of India’s Culture and Social Philosophy

On 1 December 2022, India formally took over the G20 presidency, the significant multilateral forum to address the economic fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Ukraine conflict, during stormy times in International Relations. When the drums are ....

Japan upgrades its Defence and Security Posture

Introduction In a dramatic departure to Japan’s exclusively defensive posture embodied in the pacifist post-War Constitution of Japan, the Fumio Kishida administration effectively abandoned on 16 December 2022 when it passed ammendments to three....

Lessons of Ukraine War, and Applicability on India

Since it began, the Russia-Ukraine has thrown up an overabundance of geopolitical, geo-economic and geostrategic lessons. It is humbling to note that the lessons of 2021 were in total variance with those of 2022. India has learnt significant geostra....

West Asia – 2022 Gone by with a Twist

West Asia never ceases to spring surprises. 2022 was no different in that regard except that conflicts became milder but the Black Swan events did not spare them either. As the countries, even the oil rich ones, were beginning to come out of the adv....

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