Neighborhood News Digest – 13 June 2023

Afghanistan United Nations: Terror surge in Afghanistan; Taliban slams report – The Tribune The link between the Taliban and Al-Qaeda and Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) remains “strong and symbiotic”, as per a UN report which said the ability of...

Neighborhood News Digest – 12 June 2023

Afghanistan Threat of terrorism rising in Afghanistan and region: United Nations report – The Telegraph Online The link between the Taliban and Al-Qaeda and Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan remains “strong and symbiotic”, according to a UN report which...

Neighborhood News Digest – 09 June 2023

Afghanistan The Growing Threat of the Islamic State in Afghanistan and South Asia – United States Institute of Peace When the Taliban took control of Afghanistan in 2021, counterterrorism experts were alarmed at the possible resurgence of Islamist...

Neighborhood News Digest – 08 June 2023

Afghanistan Russian Foreign Minister reiterates country’s support for inclusive government in Afghanistan – The Print Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has reiterated Russia’s support for an inclusive government in Afghanistan, TOLO News...

Neighborhood News Digest – 07 June 2023

Afghanistan Car bomb causes deaths in northern Afghanistan – provincial spokesperson – The Print A car bomb detonated in the northern Afghan province of Badakhshan on Tuesday, causing some deaths, the provincial spokesperson said. The blast had...

Neighborhood News Digest – 05 June 2023

Afghanistan Pakistan Permits Barter Trade With Russia, Iran And Afghanistan – Republic World In a bid to ease the mounting pressure on its fast-depleting foreign reserves, cash-starved Pakistan has announced a barter trade agreement with Russia,...

Neighborhood News Digest – 02 June 2023

Afghanistan Australia’s most decorated war veteran unlawfully killed prisoners in Afghanistan, judge says – The Hindu Australia’s most decorated living war veteran unlawfully killed prisoners and committed other war crimes in Afghanistan, a judge...

Neighborhood News Digest – 01 June 2023

Afghanistan How a Covert Relationship With the Taliban Backfired for US Ally Pakistan – Bloomberg About two weeks after the Taliban retook Afghanistan in 2021, the then head of Pakistan’s spy agency arrived at one of Kabul’s plushest hotels,...

Neighbourhood News Digest - 31 May 2023

Afghanistan India strengthens soft power in Afghanistan, sidelining Pakistan: Report - ANI India is strengthening its soft power in Afghanistan by providing critical aid through Iran, thereby side-lining a once essential Pakistan, reported Nikkei...

Neighbourhood News Digest - 30 May 2023

Afghanistan Iran vs Afghanistan: Why Helmand water-sharing dispute is boiling over, decades after treaty – The Print With Afghanistan and Iran locked in a water dispute, tension between the two neighbours has escalated after two Iranian security...

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