Xi Jinping
China: Daily Scan, October 20, 2022

China's State Council appoints, removes officials: Xinhuanet October 19, 2022 The State Council, China's cabinet, on Wednesday announced the appointment and removal of officials. Tang Wenhong was appointed deputy head of the China International...

The Changing Nature of ‘Collective Leadership’ in Xi’s China

Right before the third plenum of the fifth National People’s Congress in 1980, Deng Xiaoping, former Chinese leader-in-charge made a speech ‘On the Reform of the System of Party and State Leadership’.[1] The perspective he presented therein on the...

China: Daily Scan, October 17, 2022

Agricultural reform powers China's rise: People’s Daily October 16, 2022 China's economic transformation from a largely rural society to a predominantly prosperous one has been faster than any other in the world thanks to national efforts to...

The impending beatitude of Xi Jinping

The current wisdom is that Xi has consolidated his authority in the party, installing loyalists in key positions. The forthcoming 20th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party is expected to confirm a third term for President Xi Jinping at its head,...

China: Daily Scan, September 28, 2022

Xi stresses forging ahead toward new victory of socialism with Chinese characteristics: Xinhuanet September 27, 2022 Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday stressed concerted efforts to forge ahead determinedly toward a new victory of socialism...

Pelosi’s visit: Who Won? An after Review

United States’ House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan can be regarded as one of the most surprising events in the international politics. The last visit by a United States speaker to Taiwan was 25 years ago. The major reason given by her for...

Xi Jinping Begins Appointing Loyalists to Key Posts

The political situation in China is becoming volatile as the 20th Party Congress draws near and rumours of imminent purges circulating in Beijing gain momentum. The absence of a ‘Revolutionary’ veteran founding leader with unchallenged authority to...

China: Daily Scan, July 12, 2022

China urges to uphold vision of peace, development, independence, inclusiveness: Xinhuanet July 11, 2022 Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said here Monday that China chooses to join hands with ASEAN members and other regional...

Vimarsh on China Challenge in the Wake of the Ukraine Crisis

On 21 June 2022, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organised a Vimarsh on the “China Challenge in the Wake of the Ukraine Crisis”. Dr Arvind Gupta, Director VIF, gave out introductory remarks and welcomed the speaker Amb Ashok K...

China: Daily Scan, July 01, 2022

Cai Qi elected Party chief of Beijing: Xinhuanet June 30, 2022 Cai Qi has been elected secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Beijing Municipal Committee. Cai was elected to the post at the first plenary session of the 13th CPC Beijing...

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