इस सहमति में कई पेच हैं

गुरुवार को भारत और चीन के विदेश मंत्रियों की मुलाकात के बाद पांच बिंदुओं का एक साझा बयान जारी किया गया है। यह बैठक काफी अहम थी, क्योंकि इसका मकसद वास्तविक नियंत्रण रेखा पर पूर्वी लद्दाख में चरम पर पहुंचे तनाव को कम करना था। मॉस्को रवाना होने से पहले...

India-China Face Off- Has China Committed a Faux Pas?

China has committed a grave error in triggering a military confrontation in Ladakh. It has underestimated the Indian resolve to stand up to its bullying tactics. Doklam should have been a warning to China that its military efforts to gain...

Cooperation on New Technologies, will India choose BRICS or D10?

As the Indian External Affairs Ministry prepares for the BRICS Foreign Minister’s Meeting, Beijing has proposed to set up an Innovation Base to strengthen the grouping’s cooperation on 5G, digital economy, Artificial Intelligence, information...

Inflexion in Sino-Indian Relations: Case for Strategic Pragmatism

The new China has shown itself as muscular, aggressive, expansionist and determined to force its way to top of the world stage by vigourously establishing Pax Sinica. China’s in the past three decades has been rapidly growing economically and...

China menace decoded by the USA

If Sino Indian relations have reached an inflexion point following China's breach of all agreements as demonstrated by their recent actions in Eastern Ladakh so too have Sino-US relations. While the latter had been under stress, since the advent of...

Chinese Ambassador’s Speech Ignores that a lot has changed in Sino-Indian Relations

On 30 July 2020, the Chinese Ambassador to India Sun Weidong delivered an important speech at the Delhi based Institute for Chinese Studies in which he spoke about the current state of Sino Indian relations after the Galwan incident on the Line of...

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: June-July 2020

As COVID-19 continues to mount heavy casualties worldwide, China’s aggressiveness on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and expansionism in the South China Sea has led India to look for viable strategic solutions to counter China. The Vivekananda...

भारत-चीन टकराव: रिश्तों में आया मोड़

लद्दाख में कई स्थानों पर और सिक्किम के नाकू ला में भारत और चीन के बीच जारी टकराव के कारण दोनों देशों के आपसी रिश्ते एक मोड़ पर आ गए हैं। चीन के दोमुंहेपन और जबरदस्ती के कारण शुरू हुए इस टकराव की अत्यधिक गंभीरता को परखते समय इसके कारणों को स्पष्ट रूप...

Parliament and India-China relations

The recent accusation and allegations by the opposition parties particularly Congress with regard to the government’s handling of the India-China relations, in the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the India-China border was unfortunate and...

Border Brinkmanship: A Miscalculation by China

India and China have been engaged in a tense military faceoff that has witnessed numerous violent incidents over the last two months in Eastern Ladakh. The standoff has resulted from an aggressive border brinkmanship triggered by China, to assert...

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