VIF-IISS Roundtable on the UK’s Integrated Review: Impact on relations with India

The United Kingdom released its “Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy” on 16 March 2021. Titled ‘Global Britain in a Competitive Age’, the document stands out for shaping the country’s post-Brexit foreign, defence,...

Cooperation on New Technologies, will India choose BRICS or D10?

As the Indian External Affairs Ministry prepares for the BRICS Foreign Minister’s Meeting, Beijing has proposed to set up an Innovation Base to strengthen the grouping’s cooperation on 5G, digital economy, Artificial Intelligence, information...

The EU -USA- China Contradiction: the Friends Turned Foes and Vice Versa

The European Union (EU) is today facing a major contradiction. Its traditional ally, the USA has in several ways turned its back on Europe and is entering into trade and defence related quarrels. China which is the EU’s ‘systemic rival’ is on the...

Two Expansions: Which G7 should India Choose?

The United Kingdom’s decision to leave the European Union in June 2016 and Donald Trump becoming the President of the United States of America a few months later with the slogan “America First” has led to the offspring’s of globalisation, the...

भारत में COVID-19: रणनीति मानव व्यवहार पर केंद्रित होनी चाहिए

कोरोना वायरस महामारी से उपजे वैश्विक संकट के मद्देनजर, जिम ओ'नील की भारतीय शासन व्यवस्था के बारे में टिप्पणी न केवल अस्वाभाविक थी, बल्कि गैर-जरूरी भी थी।1 चर्चा इस बाबत थी कि पश्चिमी देशों को घातक कोरोना वायरस के संदर्भ में चीन द्वारा तेज और आक्रामक...

COVID-19 in India: Strategy Has to Address Human Behavior

In the wake of the global crisis triggered by the novel Coronavirus pandemic, Jim O’Neill’s comments about Indian governance was not only uncharitable but also uncalled for.1 The discussion was about how Western countries should learn from China the...

Roundtable Discussion on Brexit and its Impact on the European Union: Implications for India

Nearly four years after holding the fateful referendum to leave the European Union, the United Kingdom eventually ceased to be an EU member on 31 January 2020. The country, however, would remain a part of the Customs Union till the culmination of...

The United Kingdom Hit by another Islamist Extremism Inspired Terror Attack

The knife terror attack on 02 February 2020 in Streatham High Road in London, United Kingdom (UK) brought back memories of a similar terror incident on the streets of London on 29 November 2019 in which a Pakistan-origin British national—Usman Khan...

VIF-IISS-BHC Roundtable on the Indian Ocean

On 17 October the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) in conjuncture with the Institute of International and Strategic Studies, (IISS) London and the British High Commission organised a day-long roundtable on the Indian Ocean. The idea behind...

Interaction with Delegation from Royal College of Defence Studies, UK

A 17-member delegation of senior level defence officers and defence ministry officials from the UK and other countries led by Commandant RCDS, Royal College of Defence Studies (RCDS), Lt. Gen (Retd) Sir David Bill, KCB, visited the VIF on 30th May...

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