Saudi Arabia
West Asia Round up-July 2022

Abstract: After 19 months into his Presidency the US Administration decided that President Joe Biden embark on a ‘mending fences’ visit to West Asia including Israel, Palestine and Saudi Arabia to interact bilaterally and regionally with GCC++...

West Asian states' reactions to recent events in India

Amb. Anil Trigunayat, Distinguished Fellow at VIF assesses, "West Asian states' reactions to recent events in India". The speaker identifies the impact areas in India-West Asia engagement and evaluates the response of the Indian government.

Turkey's Changing Dynamics with the GCC States

Amb. Anil Trigunayat, Distinguished Fellow at VIF analyses "Turkey's Changing Dynamics with the GCC states". The speaker identifies Turkey's strategic interests in the Persian Gulf region and the core areas of conflict; elaborates on the reasons for...

The Impact of Russia-Ukraine Crisis on the West Asian Region

Amb. Anil Trigunayat, Distinguished Fellow at VIF evaluates the impact of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict on the West Asian region.

China: Daily Scan, March 9, 2022

NPC Constitution, Law Committee deliberates draft amendment to law on local legislatures, governments: Xinhuanet March 9, 2022 The Constitution and Law Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) on Monday deliberated a draft amendment to the...

China: Daily Scan, March 7, 2022

China mulls giving more seats to people from grassroots, women in top legislature: Xinhuanet March 6, 2022 Chinese lawmakers are considering a draft decision to give more seats in its national legislature to people from the grassroots level and...

Current Political Dynamics in Yemen

Amb. Anil Trigunayat, Distinguished Fellow at VIF analyses the factors for Houthi strikes against the UAE; discusses the impact of the Yemen conflict on Gulf and regional security, and sheds light on the likely endgame in Yemen.

China: Daily Scan, January 27, 2022

Chinese vice premier stresses need to advance coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region: Xinhuanet January 25, 2022 Chinese Vice Premier Han Zheng on Tuesday called for new progress in the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin...

West Asia: Review of 2021 and Preview of 2022

Amb. Anil Trigunayat, Distinguished Fellow at VIF briefs about the upcoming trends in West Asia in 2022; discusses the reasons for reconciliatory atmosphere; identifies the conflict faultlines, and talks about the possible areas of cooperation for...

West Asia Round Up - November 2021

Abstract : West Asia, during the month, witnessed enhanced intra regional interactions and efforts for rapprochement. UAE took the lead as its Foreign Minister visited Damascus to upgrade the ties and to bring Syria back into the Arab fold. UAE FM...

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