West Asia Roundup - May 2020

Abstract: West Asia continued to suffer under the onslaught of Covid -19. While Iran despite its socio-economic problems and US sanctions remained the major victim in the region others caught up rather fast. Some took early containment actions while...

Mosul Recaptured: Is This the End of Daesh?

Iraqi Prime Minister Announces the Fall of Mosul July 10, 2017 is rightly being acknowledged as a historic day in the fight against dreaded phenomenon of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) brand of terrorism. The Iraqi Prime Minister(PM)...

Daesh in Afghanistan: It gets Weakened but Not yet Vanquished in Syria-Iraq

It has been a little under two and a half years since January 26, 2015 when Daesh announced in Afghanistan, the establishment of its South Asian affiliate known as Islamic State in Khorasan (ISK). The outfit’s now-deceased spokesperson Abu Muhammad...

War Against Daesh (ISIS) – An Assessment of Mosul Campaign

After having crushed the concept of the Caliphate little over 90 years ago by Kemal Ataturk, the first president of the modern-day Turkey, a renewed effort was made by a newly-founded Sunni militant group, which, today, is known by the name Islamic...

Untimely Political Turmoil in Iraq

Iraq is headed towards a political meltdown. This is because the governments which were formed after Saddam Hussein’s fall in 2003 failed to meet the expectations of the citizens, particularly the minorities. The country today is torn apart by...

Interaction with Islamic Scholar Syed Babar Ashraf

Mr. Syed Babar Ashraf, noted Islamic scholar and National Secretary, All India Ulama & Mashaikh Board interacted with the VIF faculty on July 23, 2014. In his address, Ashraf traced the history of Wahabism and its growing presence in India. He...

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