National Security and Strategic Studies
India’s Military Bilateral & Multilateral Exercises in 2019 - A Compendium

The Indian armed forces form an important component in projecting the Government of India’s foreign policy on the world stage. India has always projected and cultivated a well-rounded relationship with its neighbours as well as with countries beyond the region, increasingly the armed forces of India have and will in the future contribute to this holistic out reach.

The Larger Cause of National Defence: The CDS and Defence Reforms

… there are many hurdles to cross in our endeavour to reform our system of national defence to meet the parameters of the nation’s military threats, technological and industrial capacities and fiscal affordability… The CDS … would be just one ‘cog’, albeit a central one, in the management of national defence … it would need a conducive ground to perform in the best manner desired ... In order reap the advantages its full measure, there have to be rebuilt the entire system of our defence management – defence reforms, in short …

Indian Airpower in Irregular Conflicts: A Conceptual Framework

… Indian airpower has almost continuously been involved in less-than-war and low-intensity or limited conflicts … military helicopter and transport aircraft fleets have put in yeomen service over decades towards this and continue to do so … the Air Force must prepare officers today for the managerial and executive tasks to manage not only people but also ideas and concepts on a broad basis …

Chief of Defence Staff: A Far-reaching Decision

… Institution of a body of military professionals to participate in defence policy-making at the apex level, duly empowered in highest level advisory as well as management roles, is a call of strategic wisdom. This call must be attended to with alacrity… institution of a fully empowered CDS being the inaugural step towards that end …

Is Indian Airpower Preparing for Tomorrow’s War?

… the first step in looking at future threat scenarios is posing some uncomfortable but right questions .. these affect all agencies that contribute in a whole-of-nation approach to conflict management .. An over-investment in current doctrines, concepts and platforms today may close the windows to adapt to future revolutionary changes in the coming decades .. It demands agile, curious, creative and questioning minds to gauze ahead and build adaptive capabilities ...

Credible Cyber Deterrence in Armed Forces of India

India has to be militarily powerful to be a meaningful player in international politics. As the world’s fifth largest economy, it must be a secure nation to deter her enemies. India’s Poet Laureate Dr. Ramdhari Singh Dinkar, in his poem quoted above, has correctly observed that only the powerful possess the ability to pardon someone and that no one cares for the weak or toothless.

Make In India: Through Indigenous Research and Development by DRDO/Industry (a VIF Task Force Report)

India is one of the largest importers of defence equipment in the world. Compelled by the need of modernise its armed forces, India will be importing billions of dollars worth of equipment in the next ten years. The growing dependence on imported defence equipment and technologies not only places heavy burden on financial resources, it also impacts national security adversely. There is an urgent need for accelerating the tempo of indigenisation of defence production.

Youth Development through National Cadet Corps

… motto of NCC, ‘Unity & Discipline’, is committed to the empowerment of youth .. making invaluable contributions towards nation building ... it flags two vital issues of contemporary concern .. united and disciplined citizenry would be central to the realisation of India’s dreams of emerging as a secure and prosperous nation .. NCC can play a role with some modifications to its curriculum and provision of some additionalities ..

Optimising Defense Expenditure

… there is no place for wasteful expenditure. Indigenization must be the preferred option so that defense expenditure generates employment, helps in earning foreign exchange and sharpens our technology as also learning curve ...

Navy Team Tarini at the Vivekananda International Foundation

Indian Naval Sailing Vessel Tarini (INSV Tarini) comprising six women officers of the Indian Navy circumnavigated the globe in 254 days. The voyage commenced on September 10, 2017 and was completed on May 21, 2018. The expedition was called ‘Navika Sagar Parikrama’. This is the first-ever Indian circumnavigation of the globe by an all-women crew. The vessel was skippered by Lt Cdr Vartika Joshi, and the crew comprised Lt Cdrs Pratibha Jamwal and P Swathi, and Lts S Vijaya Devi, B Aishwarya and Payal Gupta.

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