Afghanistan Manoeuvres: Sense and Nonsense of Talking to Taliban

… every stake holder for Afghanistan’s democracy, stability and progress appreciates the severe consequences of the Taliban assuming power … also understand that even in a power sharing arrangement between the legitimate, democratic Government and the supposedly reformed and accommodative factions of the Taliban, the latter, given its fanatic instincts, would have to be kept in close observation, and guaranteed intervention if necessary … in this context, there are many nuances to the Afghanistan manoeuvres which need to be considered in the background of past, present and future ...

National Workshop on Earthquake Preparedness in India - Conference Proceedings

Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organised a two-day national workshop on earthquake preparedness in India on October 25 and 26, 2018. This workshop was organised in association with the Policy Perspectives Foundation (PPF) and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI).

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam:Relevance of India’s Ancient Thinking to Contemporary Strategic Reality - Conference Proceedings

The adoption of 21st June as International Day of Yoga by the United Nations General Assembly in 2014, in response to an India-led resolution with a record high number of co-sponsors, was a landmark event. Taking the cue from the Honorable Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, it was felt that it is important to mobilise our ancient ideas and use them practically and strategically to build an Indian narrative. Prime Minister Modi has highlighted ancient Indian aphorisms such as ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’, ‘Sarvajan Hitaya, Sarvajan Sukhaya’ and others on different forums.

Militancy in Kashmir - A Study

.. An alternate narrative needs to be created in universities and colleges of J&K to counter lies peddled by cross-border actors. Think-tanks, research forums, youth forums or inter-faith dialogue bodies and cultural interaction clubs can be created to challenge dominant narratives of Jihad and the hypocrisy of radical Islamists .. the option of a sub-conventional/hybrid war should be explored .. (because) India’s strong and aggressive force-posture .. (and) response plays an important role in clearing the smokescreens of confusion in a Kashmiri mind ..

An Overview of Indian Diaspora in Africa: Implications for India

… Indian community residing in Africa is very special as it has contributed its skills to the development of the country of adoption, and is integrated with the indigenous populace ... they have retained their emotional,cultural and spiritual links with India ...

BIMSTEC Think Tank Dialogue on Regional Security - Conference Proceedings

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) is a regional organisation comprising seven littorals of the Bay of Bengal (BoB). The BoB not only connects these nations but binds them together by common culture and interests. The region is also a bridge between South and South East Asia. BIMSTEC is home to around 22% of the global population, a GDP of $ 2.7 trillion and an enviable growth rate of approximately 6.5%.

The Afghanistan Conundrum

… for the United States, pushing the Taliban to join peace talks with Kabul is paramount to ending its 17-year long involvement in the war. But perhaps Washington's biggest problem will be figuring out how to balance the Taliban's demand for a complete withdrawal of U.S. and allied forces … whatever happens there will be huge geopolitical implications …

Youth Development through National Cadet Corps

… motto of NCC, ‘Unity & Discipline’, is committed to the empowerment of youth .. making invaluable contributions towards nation building ... it flags two vital issues of contemporary concern .. united and disciplined citizenry would be central to the realisation of India’s dreams of emerging as a secure and prosperous nation .. NCC can play a role with some modifications to its curriculum and provision of some additionalities ..

Sister Nivedita’s Ideas on Indian Nationhood and their Contemporary Relevance

… the issue of diversity has been played up in contemporary identity politics to such an extent that it has come to threaten the very fabric of Indian nationhood ... a skewed understanding of the subject perpetuated by the fact that if modern India is in a sense a product of colonial rule, it does not invalidate the reality of eternal Indian nationhood ...

An Inconvenient Reality: 26/11 as State-Sponsored Terrorism

... the 26/11 attack occurred because India invested heavily in two components of counter-terrorism: international diplomacy and domestic intelligence, but neglected a third: covert retaliatory capability ... as long as Pakistan exists, there will always be a state-driven component to terrorism that strikes at India from overseas ...

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