Security and Development: An Appraisal of the Red Corridor

… Left Wing Extremism is recognised as one of the most serious threats, not only to India’s internal security but indeed to the very basic values of the democratic, pluralistic political order enshrined in our Constitution. Apart from heavy casualties, it has also caused massive damage to government and private property ..

Indus Water Treaty: An Appraisal

… a Task Force to review the IWT is a good move and hopefully it will help India in creating adequate water management infrastructure in a time bound manner so that she is able to utilise all the waters that she is entitled to harness. The unending debate over ‘Rights of Pakistan vs Needs of India’ may be left to continue without having to abrogating the IWT …

Employability in India: Understanding Demography and the Skills Gap

… skill development programmes must begin at the primary school level … vocationalisation of education should be introduced to prevent drop-outs … curriculum of vocational education must take into consideration the local resources and natural skills of the region … assessment of the human resources and career counselling must begin very early in schools and integrated manpower planning at the district level should be encouraged …

Japan’s Changing Security Discourse from the prism of its Deterrence Imperative

... US-Japan alliance is cornerstone for Japan’s security and its deterrence. However, despite conflicts of interests and intermittent tensions, Japan has never sought to replace the alliance with its own defense capabilities .. Though Japan’s strategic policies have underwent massive change with the beginning of 2000s, its security policy for deterrence has not shifted from resting on the US-Japan alliance ..

2+2 Dialogue and Indo U.S. Relations

... moving the defence engagement a notch higher, the two nations are now focused on enhancing closer private defence industry collaboration which will help Indian defence manufacturers in boosting the Modi government’s ‘Make in India’ initiative ... at a strategic level, India’s need to balance its interests between the United States, China, and Russia, maintaining relations with regional partners such as Iran, are also a significant factor ...

US-China Trade War: Analyses of Deeper Nuances and Wider Implications

… China is unsatisfied with the degree of accommodation offered by the US and the US is uncomfortable with the strategic demands made by China … US wants China to reduce its trade deficit … an unrealistic request given the time it would take to adjust supply chains and given the US consumers' demand for Chinese products … and that China opens up more sectors to investment and trade without restriction ... America holds almost all the high cards in trade with China, and almost none of Beijing’s supposed points of pressure are real threats.

The Conclave on River Basin Management Equitable Use of River Basin Water

Introduction Water Management in India has always been a challenge because of large temporal and spatial variations in its availability. The task is becoming more challenging due to global warming having significant impact on water availability both in space and time. The challenge is accentuated by the increasing population pressure and uses, resulting in water scarcity in many areas.

Nepal’s March Towards Constitutional Democracy

… India-Nepal relations are a vast confluence of socio political and economic engagements …evolved from age-old ties and permeate our socio-cultural aspects …multi-faceted and multi-dimensional approach is required on both sides to study and analyse our relationship...

Current Military Situation in Afghanistan

... insurgency in Afghanistan is a political problem; the military can create the right conditions for diplomatic talks to begin ... currently, Taliban is in no mood to negotiate ... Taliban who are ready to come around must be granted favourable options ... All this will take time and a lot of patience ... Finally, a favourable situation would emerge only if the US and NATO continue to stay and guide the ANSF ...

Where Economics and Strategy Intersect: A Political Economy Approach to Global Power

This essay attempts to understand the role of economic power in shaping the world since the Second World War. It focuses on the main strand of economic developments over this period, separated from looking at subsidiary processes related to the Cold War, détente or the UK-US economic competition in mid-1960's because from the economic point of view, these processes were put in the shade by the much bigger magnitudes of capital flows in the West and among the oil producers. The study begins with the European Recovery Programme, or the Marshall Plan ......

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