Drone Warfare Capacity Building in Securing India’s National Interests

This paper seeks to make a case for the utility of drone warfare in securing India’s national interests. It begins by establishing how drone proliferation acts as a threat and opportunity in the context of India’s security objectives and discusses the importance of drone warfare capacity building in countering the security threats faced by India. It then highlights the benefits and areas of operation where the Indian military could use drone warfare to achieve its objectives from ISR and Dull, Dirty and Dangerous’ missions to counter-terrorism and logistics.

Challenges of Military Leadership in the Indian Context

The current geo-political environment indicates the enhanced challenges placed before military leadership, more so in the Indian context, as it experiences both external threats imposed by China & Pakistan and internal threats imposed by various actors with varied allegiances, aided & abetted by external forces.

Western Sahara - The North African Gordian Knot

… Western Saharan conflict is one of the world's most underlooked conflicts .. it is crucial to indigenous Sahrawis and their kin in southern Morocco, northern Mauritania and western Algeria .. UN has so far failed in providing the groundwork for self-determination and decolonisation .. with European and American interests intertwined in the conflict, the North African stand-off must be resolved …

Understanding Politics in Iraq post-October 2021 Elections

Iraq’s post-2003 political system is facing political and economic dysfunction mired by widespread corruption, economic inequalities and lack of improvement in living standards. The unstable political situation is further accentuated by the influence and control of external actors, i.e. Iran and the US. Intense turmoil and political stalemate stemming from political competition and rivalries among the key stakeholders delayed government formation and appointment of new President, Prime Minister and cabinet for almost a year since the last election on 10 October 2021.

Security Vision 2047: A Hundred Years since Independence

… India must become the bulwark of an alternative Asian and international security system … in this context India’s continental threat gravitates on the defensive construct of ‘not ceding an inch of territory,’ and limited-depth offensives. This goes against the very fundamental doctrinal premises of the employment of offensive air power followed by all Air Forces ...

South Asian Response to Ukraine Crisis: Political, Economic and Humanitarian Implications

The Russian “special military operation” launched against Ukraine on February 24, 2022, has impacted countries worldwide. While the global powers are busy in either extending support or condemning Russia in their respective ways, the fundamental issues arise from the political and economic impact of the crisis on the world economy. So far, the most visible impact of the Ukraine crisis globally has been the price rise in petroleum products. Also, the global sanctions on Russia have further interrupted the supply chain of goods from one region to another.

Great Game Revisited: China's Grand Eurasian Strategy through the Prism of 'One Belt One Road'

… despite multiple flaws, China's expanding participation in Central Asia is a long-term phenomenon and a watershed moment in the post-Soviet history and economic development of these countries… China is the only country capable of mobilising massive investment in the region … under the OBOR, China will continue to be the most important investor in Central Asia …

Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh: A Visionary Ignored by History

....he established the ‘Provisional Government of India’ (Hakumat-e-Mokhtari-i-Hind) in Bagh-e-Babur in Kabul on December 1, 1915 … Pratap became the President for Life or until the Government was handed over to Congress … Maulana Barkatullah Khan as the Prime Minister and Obeidullah Sindhi as the Home Minister, Champak Raman Pillai as the Foreign Minister and Maulana Bashir as the War Minister …

Swami Vivekananda and Sister Nivedita: Pioneers of Indian Scientific Research

…. These personalities were intellectual giants in their respective fields … they were willing to accommodate each others, views for the larger goal of India's scientific development … more than 100 years back, foresight of these greats remains awe-inspiring … their vision in creating an atmosphere of scientific learning and research are astounding ….

Russia Ukraine Conundrum

… Biden said that President Vladimir Putin “has never seen sanctions like the ones I promised will be imposed if he moves”... “If they actually do what they’re capable of doing with the forces amassed on the border, it is going to be a disaster for Russia if they further invade Ukraine, and that our allies and partners are ready to impose severe costs and significant harm on Russia and the Russian economy…” as of end February 2022, all these conjectures had been thrown in the wind. The invasion is underway. Times are extremely critical and the attention of the whole world will be on Ukraine …

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