National Security and Strategic Studies
Round Table Discussion on Situation in Kashmir and the Way Forward

In continuation of a series of dialogues and conferences held over the years on Kashmir, a Round Table Discussion was arranged at the VIF when some of the prominent voices on Kashmir - Mr KM Singh, Air Vice Mshl Kapil Kak, Dr Sudhir S Bloeria,...

Talk on ‘Kashmir: A Tragedy of Errors and the Way Forward’

The VIF invited Mr. Zafar Iqbal Manhas, MLC from the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), for an informal session on the evolving dynamics in Kashmir. The discussion revolved around a broad set of issues - sense of alienation, autonomy and...

Vimarsha: Waterways on River Ganges – Environmental Challenge & Opportunity with Dr. Onkar Mittal and Dr. Hishmi Jamil Husain

Vimarsha–the series of public lectures on contemporary national importance hosted every month by the VIF--was held on 28 July 2016 with well-known Ganga Activist Dr. Onkar Mittal and Environmentalist Dr. Hishmi Jamil Husain giving a broad...

Round Table Discussion on Efficacy of India’s Nuclear Doctrine

A Round Table Discussion on the ‘Efficacy of India’s Nuclear Doctrine in the Context of Pakistan’s Tactical Nuclear Weapons’ (TNWs) was held at the VIF. It began with a presentation by Brig Gurmeet Kanwal, Visiting Fellow, VIF, to outline the...

RTD on ‘Making Defence Acquisitions Work’

With India’s estimated defence expenditure on capital acquisitions likely to cross over $150 billion over the next decade, the imperative to streamline India’s defence acquisition processes and making it more flexible, transparent and fast-...

Vimarsha on 'Jihadist Threat to India – The Case for Islamic Reformation by an Indian Muslim'

Given below is the text of the speech delivered by Tufail Ahmad, Director of South Asia Studies Project at the Washington D.C.-based Middle East Media Research Institute, on the occasion of the release of his book in New Delhi. The book, "...

J&K: Failures / Lapses and the Opportunities – A talk by Dr. Sudhir S. Bloeria

Vimarsha, VIF’s monthly series of talks on issues of national importance, was held on 23 December 2015 with Dr. Sudhir S. Bloeria, former Chief Secretary, Jammu and Kashmir and Vice Chancellor of Jammu and Kashmir, sharing his perspective on...

Interaction with Dr. Sudhir S. Bloeria on Jammu & Kashmir

The VIF hosted Dr. Sudhir S. Boleria, former Chief Secretary of Jammu and Kashmir and Vice Chancellor Central University of Jammu and Kashmir for a round table discussion on the situation in J&K and the way forward on 22 December 2015.

Workshop on 'Public-Private Partnership in Countering Online Radicalization and Recruitment to Violence'

Vivekananda International Foundation in collaboration with the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) of the University of Maryland, US Embassy and Facebook organised on November 17-18, 2015, a two-day...

Detailed Report of the Seminar on Countering Online Radicalization and Recruitment

1. A joint workshop organized by the VIF in collaboration with the University of Maryland, US Embassy New Delhi and Facebook was organized from 17 to 18 November 2015 at the VIF premises. A number of eminent international experts and scholars...

Symposium on ‘Golden Jubilee of Indo-Pak Conflict 1965’

A symposium, commemorating India’s first definitive military victory against Pakistan in 1965, was held by the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) on 11 September 2015. Military analysts, historians, and war veterans, among other...

Vimarsha: National Security Challenges of the Next Decade - A talk by General Bikram Singh, former Chief of Indian Army & Chairman COS

On 30 Jul 2015, General Bikram Singh, former Chief of Indian Army & Chairman Chiefs of Staff, delivered an incisive talk, titled as ‘National Security Challenges of the Next Decade’, to a large audience, comprising academia, intelligentsia...

Discussion on Book by Shri AS Dulat

A discussion on the recently released book ‘KASHMIR-THE VAJPAYEE YEARS’, authored by Shri A S Dulat, former Chief of Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW), India’s external intelligence agency, was organized at the VIF on July, 22, 2015. The...

Round Table Discussion on "An Indo-Centric Assessment of Chinese Military Capabilities and Options in the Near Future"

With China ostensibly scaling to new heights in military combat power every year and continuing with its assertive stance, especially around contested territories, increasingly grabbing international headlines, a Round Table Discussion was...

Round Table Discussion on Counter Measures against Naxalism

On Jun 19th, 2015, VIF hosted Lt. Gen VK Ahluwalia, formerly Army Commander Central Command, for a talk on ‘Counter Measures against Naxalism’, followed by a round table discussion. With General NC Vij, Director, VIF, presiding over the session...

Seminar on ‘Design and Make in India in Electronics’

With a view to evolve the future roadmap towards building comprehensive national capabilities in design and manufacturing in the Electronic Sector, the VIF, in collaboration with the DRDO, CII and the American Chamber of Commerce in India (...

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