Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan Border Clash: An Analysis

On September 14, border guards from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan exchanged fire at a disputed border section. The violent confrontation escalated and lasted for two days, with drones, tanks, aircraft, and exchange of rocket fire. ....

The Future of Ground Based Air Defence

Setting the Perspective

This work carries the author’s perception of the required ‘future face of the nation’s Ground Based Air Defence (GBAD) which will be capable of countering the futuristic threats from our....

Initial Analysis of Leaked Video of Chinese War Preparedness Exercise in Guangdong

The timing of the 'leak' of the video of a ‘War Preparedness Mobilisation Exercise’ convened by the Guangdong Province Communist Party Committee on May 14, 2022 is interesting. It is yet unclear whether the video was deliberately ‘leaked’ by ....

Turkey’s Role as a Regional Actor in Central Asia: An Assessment

Central Asia’s geostrategic location at the crossroads of East and West has shaped substantial geopolitical rivalries in the region. Even though the region is within Russia’s sphere of influence, China has made significant advances in Central Asi....

China Daily Digest February 14, 2022

Chinese premier stresses support for agricultural production: Xinhuanet
February 13, 2022
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang stressed increasing support for agricultural production to ensure that annual grain output continues to exceed ....

Maritime Security in the IOR : Counterpiracy and the India-Australia Maritime Cooperation

The Indian Ocean Region (IOR) is significant for a number of reasons. To begin with, it serves as the global hotspot for naval trade and for maintaining sea-based lines of communications. It houses chokepoints like the Bab-el Mandeb, Strait of Hormuz....

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