India Right in Standing Up to China's Bullying

China has been strikingly inept in its international diplomacy over the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to the Chinese dissident Lui Xiaobo. China’s global stature today is formidable. Its economic growth in the last three decades has been spectacul....

Little for India on Chinese Platter

Chinese PM Wen Jiabao’s visit has hardly done much to allay India’s fears about its hostile, powerful neighbour Of all the visits made by P-5 leaders to India in 2010, that of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao proved the least productive. At one leve....

A Perspective on Premier Wen’s Visit: No Material Change in Sino-Indian Equation

Behind the usual bonhomie exhibited after the issue of joint communiqué by India and China post Prime Minister Wen Jia Bao's visit basic issue that needs to be addressed is what are the major take aways? Were the concerns of the two countries add....

Sino-Indian Equation: Time for a Reset

India’s China policy has been marked by friendship, sentimentalism, fear, diffidence, appeasement, brinksmanship, wishful thinking and engagement. Of late, despite positive political overtures, there are undercurrents of growing negativism in the r....

Engaging China: Underscoring India’s Core Interests

Why is Premier Wen Jiabao’s Visit Now? A return visit by Chinese Premier was due for over two years since Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh visited China in January 2008. China’s assertive policies could be said to have bec....

The Dangers of Going Into Denial

China’s denial of a normal visa to General Jaswal, who heads India’s Northern Command, for the fourth round of the defence dialogue in Beijing — because he came from the “sensitive location of Jammu and Kashmir” and “people from this part....

China’s Power Play

New Delhi must react firmly to beijing’s provocative stance on Kashmir We must understand the implications of China’s denial of visa to General Jaswal, heading India’s Northern Command, for defence talks in Beijing on the ground that he cam....

Hu’s Successor is Xi

Appointment of Vice President Xi Jinping to the post of Vice Chairman of Central Military Commission (CMC) in the recently concluded Fifth Plenum of the 17th Congress of CPC further indicates that the stage is ready for Mr. Xi to take up the cudgel f....

Nobel Peace Prize when Awarded to a Prisoner of State

Before the Tiananmen Student Movement of 1989, Deng Xiaoping, architect of China’s reform and opening to the wider world, repeatedly urged his countrymen to maintain a stable political environment. He emphasized that China would not tolerate distur....

How do Ordinary People look at Politics in China?

Liang Heng, a renouned journalist of the People’s Daily has recently discussed common man’s notion about politics in the people’s forum of the daily. The author writes on politics and knows the difficulties of publishing political articles in a....

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