Conference on India-US 2015: Partnering for Peace and Prosperity

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) in collaboration with the Atlantic Council, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and U.S Embassy in New Delhi organised a two-day international conference titled, “India-US 2015: Partnering for Peace....

Visit by a US Congressional Delegation

A five-member bipartisan US Congressional delegation, led by Ed Royce Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, visited the VIF on 10 March 2015 for an interaction with faculty members and other strategic experts on the dynamics of evolving In....

The Obama Visit: An Assessment

The hype over the nuclear deal has obscured the main achievement of the Obama visit: this is in the Joint Strategic Vision Statement for the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean Region, to give the full name of the separate document issued by the two leader....

Seminar on Indo-US Relations: The Way Forward

VIF and the Heritage Foundation, a Washington-based think tank, jointly organised a seminar ‘India-US Relations: the Way Forward’ on 05 February 2015. The seminar was a take off from the Quad-plus dialogue held recently in Bali, Indonesia, where ....

India-US Civil Nuclear Deal: A Dependence Entrapment?

India needs to proceed with utmost caution on its civil nuclear deal with the United States. The pathbreaking agreement, dramatically ‘operationalised’ in a 25 January meeting with India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi by U.S. President Barac....

Obama’s Republic Day Visit: Transforming Stagnating India-US Ties into a Vibrant Relationship

Obama's India visit was an unqualified success. It marks an important step in transforming the long stagnating India-US ties into a vibrant, multi dimensional and mutually supportive relationship. Full credit for this must go the Modi governm....

Pakistan Loses Its Centrality in India-US Tango

Apart from all the other seminal outcomes of the visit of the US President Barack Obama to New Delhi, the complete absence of any reference to Pakistan is quite remarkable. Although Pakistan was never really mentioned by name in any of the previous d....

Indo-US Relations: The Way Forward

India’s relations with the US in the last decade have undergone a transformation. Ever since our independence, our relationship with the US has been marked by suspicion, lack of empathy and differences in world view. In recent years, many in India ....

Indo-US Relations: The Obama Visit

The upcoming visit of President Obama as Guest of Honour for Republic Day 2015 is an occasion for stock-taking, and for laying the foundation for a more stable and productive relationship. This will be the first time that a US President will be visit....

Indo-US Cooperation and Perspectives on Climate Change

Climate change is an environmental problem that has various environmental, social and economic dimensions. Nations and citizens must determine how they can limit their own contributions to the negative impacts of climate change. India is one of the v....

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