Neighbourhood Studies
Pok: Is The Worm Finally Turning?

Images of the simmering situation in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir broadcast on Indian TV channels appear to have shaken the Indian media, the army of analysts, and perhaps even the government of India out of their decades long slumber over a part of Ind....

UNHRC Resolution on Sri Lanka- An Assessment

After a delay of nearly six months, the 268-page long report of the UNHCR on alleged ‘war crimes’ in Sri Lanka was released during the ongoing thirtieth session of the Commission. Broadly, the report deals with human rights violations during the ....

Bangladesh - Politics of Confrontation: Political Deadlock

Bangladesh’s tryst with democracy began a new chapter in the nation’s history when the newly independent nation adopted its first Constitution in 1972 with the tenets of nationalism, democracy, socialism and secularism. The then political environ....

Low Cunning in Cloak of High Diplomacy

Even before Nawaz Sharif addressed the UN General Assembly, the Pakistanis had let it be known that he would be bad-mouthing India on the issue of Jammu and Kashmir. There was, therefore, no real surprise in India when Nawaz Sharif raked up the Kashm....

National Business Initiative for Peace and Development in Nepal

1.0 Background The success of a society largely depends on successful business.1 Business is not possible in unsuccessful society and in a situation when there is absence of security. Business groups like to make investment only ....

Sri Lankan General Elections 2015 - An Assessment

1. In my earlier article on the Sri Lankan General Elections (‘Curtain Raiser’, VIF 07-2015) various possible out comes of the elections were out lined. As was mentioned therein, the electoral contest was mainly between the two key alliances na....

India’s Afghan Policy: Not Rebuff, But A Refrain from Reflexive Response

In recent weeks, there has been some puzzlement over India’s somewhat less than enthusiastic response to Afghan overtures for re-engaging and revitalizing the Strategic Partnership Agreement signed between the two countries in 2011. At a time when ....

Pakistan Responsible for Breakdown of NSA Level Talks

It is mystifying why commentators on the Indian side, including some who have officially dealt with Pakistan, should have been so critical of their own government for the failure of the Ufa initiative. They seemingly hold our side more responsible fo....

Sri Lanka: Mandate to continue with change

Will it be fourth time lucky for Ranil Wickramasinghe? Sworn in as Prime Minister of Sri Lanka on Friday afternoon, Ranil Wickramasinghe is not new to the post. He has been PM in the past--1993-94, 2001-04--and since January this year when he and Pre....

RTD on South Asia Regional Cooperation

The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was established in 1985 with the prime objective of accelerating economic and social development among member states through joint actions in mutually agreed areas of cooperation. Thirty ye....

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