Neighbourhood Studies
VIF Seminar on Myanmar in Transition: Asian Perspectives

On Monday, Sep 19, 2011, the VIF brought together high-level diplomats, academics, journalists and security experts for a seminar on ‘Myanmar in Transition: Asian perspective’. Spread across three sessions in a single day, the seminar provided a ....

“…We are fighting for Tibetan Dignity, Tibetan Identity, Tibetan Freedom, and what we are seeking is Equality…”

Thank you very much Ajit Dovalji for your very kind and generous introduction and Mr. T.C.A. Rangachari and others for organising the Conference today. It is a great honour to be in the presence of so many esteemed guests and I would like to begin by....

Impressions from a Young Professionals’ Workshop on Future Direction of Indo-Bangladesh Relationship

The conclusion of Indian Prime Minister’s two day visit to Dhaka has offered an opportunity to scholars, analysts and academicians to debate and discuss about future direction of India-Bangladesh relationship. Success and failure of the visit is me....

The Emerging Situation in Afghanistan and Indo-Afghan Relations

The Indo-Afghan relations cannot but be seen in the context of the evolving situation in Afghanistan. Many regional and extra regional players have been involved in the Afghan imbroglio for over a decade and some for even over three decades. Interven....

A Report on Seminar: ‘Tibet in the Aftermath of Devolution of Political Authority’

On 6 & 7 September 2011, the Vivekanada International Foundation (VIF) organised a conference on ‘Tibet in the Aftermath of Devolution of Political Authority’. The conference was designed to address topics like Tibetan politics and new leadership....

India’s Options in Afghanistan

Geo-Political perceptions of Pakistan’s role in Afghanistan Before one can dwell on India’s options in Afghanistan, it may be better to examine the Pakistan’s role in this country. The geo- political perceptions of Pakistan in Afghani....

PM’s Bangladesh Visit: Not A Game Changer

Prime Minister’s visit to Bangladesh from September 6th to 7th was a once in a life time opportunity to place India-Bangladesh ties on an irreversibly upward trajectory. The imperative for seizing this opportunity at the earliest arises from the fa....

Nepal gets its 4th Prime Minister in 3 years

Following the resignation of NCP-UML Prime Minister Jhala Nath Khanal the Constituent Assembly (CA) met in Kathmandu on October 28, 2011 and elected Maoist leader Dr. Baburam Bhattarai as the 4th Prime Minister since 2008 when the country was declare....

PM Bails Out Pakistan

To compensate Pakistan for the losses caused by the flood last year, the European Council offered it tariff concession on 75 items. India had opposed it on the ground that it would hurt the interest of our exporters. The Prime Minister’s decisio....

Actors and Reactors

The Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) in its June meeting has ended up by legitimizing the supply of two additional nuclear reactors to Pakistan by China. The basis of this approval is murky. The NSG guidelines do not permit members to engage in nuclear ....

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