National Security and Strategic Studies
In The Name of the Nation: India and Its Northeast by Sanjib Baruah, Stanford University Press: Stanford, 2020, 297 pp, ISBN: 9781503610705

In the Name of the Nation: India and its North East, authored by Sanjib Baruah interrogates the interaction of North East India with the territorial conceptions of the post colonial nation-state and state sovereignty. The North Eastern Region consist....

In their Own Words-Understanding Lashkar-e-Tayyaba by C. Christine Fair, Second Edition; By Christine Fair; India: Oxford University Press, 2019. 303pp. ISBN 10: 0-19-949521-1

The goal of every state is to survive. Many countries adopt various kinds of strategies to achieve their ends. The strategies are a mix of military, economic and diplomatic ways and means to realise their policy goals. However, in the case of Pakista....

Achieving Self Reliance through Indigenous R&D by DRDO /Industry - Part II

India is at the cusp of metamorphosing from a regional player to one with global clout. As India’s geo-political and economic ambitions grow, it needs to develop robust indigenous manufacturing capabilities and ecosystem to secure its ambition for ....

कोरोना – जैविक युद्ध और अन्य निहितार्थ

कोरोनावायरस की तीव्रता और प्रसार दुनिया के लिए अभूतपूर्व रहा है। इससे पहले की सभी महामारियों क....

Kashmir: Another one Bites the Dust—HM Commander Naikoo Eliminated

The pandemic of COVID-19 may have halted or transformed the way of carrying out activities around the world, but nothing has changed in India’s counter-terrorism operations in the Kashmir Valley. These remain very robust and strongly driven by accu....

This is the way World Ends : How Droughts and Die-offs, Heat Waves and Hurricanes Are Converging on America by Jeff Nesbit, Thomas Dunne Books, St Martin’s Publishing Group, 2018, United States, 336 pp, ISBN: 9781250160461, price-$29.99 (2,257.17 Rs)

We all have heard of climate change and its impact now and of future time and again. So much so, that it has now become the new normal. But it doesn’t really get the mind space that it needs, for various reasons. Then comes a book like Jeff Nesbit....

Tablighi Jamaat in India: Evolution and Impact

Brief Profile of Tablighi Jamaat (TJ)
The outbreak of COVID 19 pandemic in India coincided with headlines news in the Indian media on TJ. On 2 April 20 Lav Agarwal Joint Secretary Ministry of Health and Family Welfare stated ‘COVID-19 ....

Lockdown Scenario- A Golden Opportunity for Cyber Criminals

“Anyone who thinks that security products alone offer true security is settling for the illusion of security.”1 - Kevin D Mitnick
The emergence of Coronavirus (hereafter COVID-19) and its rapid spread has em....

Beyond the COVID-19: Indian Defence Industry

The social media is bulging at seams in making unending predictions by the hour related to the ‘life after Covid’. The continuum ranges from a ‘total doomsday’ scenario painted by the naysayersto the ‘we will win’ and how the life will be....

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