Covid-19 and Indian Economy

Epidemic is inversely proportional to economic enterprise and growth in any country. Likewise, any pandemic has a penchant to puncture the global economic growth. Corona virus will lead to recession and economic collapse if corrective measures with r....

COVID-19: Time to Focus on Illegal Trade in Wildlife

Scientists and experts are still uncertain about the source of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19). Some of the possible suspected species connected with the virus are horseshoe bats that are known to host disease causing pathogens; pangolin the most tr....

Pakistan and the FATF: The Sword Still Dangles

Pakistan is in deep trouble. It was and continues to be under the penetrating gaze of the global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog- the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). To prevent organized crime, terrorism and corruption, FATF has....

The US and the Coronavirus Crisis

With over 160,000 confirmed coronavirus cases and 2500 deaths, the United States has emerged as the new epicentre of the corona virus pandemic sweeping across the world. Amidst global shutdowns and remain-at-home orders, the United States has seen a....

Coronavirus: The Curious Case of Taiwan

With a population of 23 million, Taiwan has systematically managed the pandemic COVID-19. Despite strain relations, there is a lot of interaction between China and Taiwan. Around 850,000 Taiwanese stays in China, 400,000 Taiwanese work there and 2.7 ....

Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the European Union

The coronavirus disease (Covid-19) has evolved as a global pandemic1 ever since its outbreak in China in December 2019.2 This highly contagious disease has infected around 800,000 people worldwide in a short span of three month....

The Agony of Yemen

In our pre-occupation with the coronavirus crisis, with a rising death toll, apparently unstoppable (27,370 on 28th March, 05 22 GMT), we should not fail to take note of an unhappy fifth anniversary of the war in Yemen, or more accurately, the war on....

Continuing Security Partnership between USA and Pakistan: India has to live with it

Dr. Mark T. Espar, US Defence Secretary has in a telephonic conversation with Pakistani Army chief, Qamar Javed Bajwa on 19th March, 2020 reaffirmed his country`s long-term mutually beneficial security partnership with government of Pakistan inter-al....

Only way to combat coronavirus pandemic is through global cooperation

The unavoidable lockdown in China that has caused disruptions in the global supply chains will now motivate countries to cut reliance on China for critical supplies by building domestic capacities or moving production elsewhere. The coronavirus pa....

Opportunities in the Covid Crisis

Every crisis comes with opportunities. The Covid-19 crisis presents the country with an unprecedented opportunity to have a hard look at the present state of the economy and think of strategies to strengthen indigenous R&D and manufacturing capabilit....

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