Tunisia- Ghost of Bouazizi Walks Again

Tunisia, from where the Arab Spring started in 2010, has remained in churn ever since. But it has held out the hope that democracy and constitution can be relied upon by the people. It was a partial yet a success story as several governments have had....

Pakistan’s Support to Taliban is Behind the Escalating Violence in Afghanistan

At the initiative of Uzbek President Shavket Miriziev, a high-level conference was held in Tashkent on 15-16 July 2021 to discuss connectivity between Central Asia and South Asia. The conference was attended by President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan,....

What Recent Meetings Tell us About the Emerging World Order

The G7 summit meeting on 11 June, followed by the North Atlantic Council meeting (14 June), Russia-US summit (16 June) and the extension of the Russia-China Friendship Treaty for the next five years (28 June) give us important pointers to the shape o....

Pakistan remains under the scrutiny of FATF

Amidst the changing regional and geopolitical dynamics, Pakistan remains mired in complexities and uncertainties. It continues to remain under the scrutiny of the terror-financing watchdog Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and is under immense press....

‘Great Rejuvenation’ of the Chinese Nation to Continue: Xi’s Message at the CCP Centenary Celebrations

The Chinese Communist Party celebrated its 100th birth anniversary. CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered a much anticipated speech on the occasion. Being a centenary speech, it had obvious political significance. It sums up the state of affair....

Role of India and Japan in the Myanmar Crisis

The ousted leaders from National League for Democracy (NLD) party in Myanmar have formed a shadow ‘National Unity Government’ (NUG) to challenge the military or the ‘Tatmadaw’ which came to power through a coup in Feb, 2021. Many analysts pre....

Netaji’s Tryst with Taiwan

At a time when India is commemorating the 125th birth anniversary of the indomitable Netaji Subash Chandra Bose, and his disappearance and passing away is still shrouded in mystery, it is worth a while to revisit a seminal work, Verdict from Formo....

Iran’s Presidential Elections

The Presidential election in Iran has resulted in Mr. Ebrahim Raisi’s victory by 62 percent of the votes. The election coincided with the talks in Vienna to revive the nuclear deal. Both the events came at a time when the situation in Afghanistan ....

US and Russia Engage Again

The publicly-stated “outcomes” from the US-Russia summit meeting in Geneva on June 16 are well-known: return of their Ambassadors to their respective stations; foreign office discussions on restoration of diplomatic properties and staff strengths....

निश्चित ही यह भूल नहीं है, क्वाड पर बांग्लादेश को चीन की चेतावनी

यह बात अब जगजाहिर हो चुकी है और चीनी राजदूत ने बांग्लादेश को स्पष्ट रूप से यह बता दिया है कि चीन न....

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