Neighbourhood Studies
An update on Developments in Maldives

Political Developments Political developments in Maldives over the past couple of months do not indicate any significant change in the approach and attitude of the Yameen Government towards resolution of contentious issues with t...

मालद्वीप में राजनितिक घमासान

राजनीतिक उथलपुथल हिन्द महासागर का यह टापू देश, मालद्वीप, उस वक़्त यकायक राजनैतिक घमासान �...

Maldives-The Crisis Continues-Need for Early De-escalation

President Yameen Abdul Gayoom’s assault on democratic norms and principles is continuing unabated. After having declared the state of emergency on 6th February, 2018 for 15 days, he has gone in for a further extension of the emergency provisions fo...

Commentary: Maldives in Turmoil- Political Conflict Intensifies

A Political Turmoil The island nation in the Indian Ocean is suddenly facing serious political turmoil on account of the sharp turn of events beginning Thursday on 1st February, 2018, when the Supreme Court of Maldives pronounced ...

Maldivian Turmoil Veers between Adamant Administration and Opportunistic Opposition

"No one will really understand politics until they understand that politicians are not trying to solve our problems. They are trying to solve their own problems, of which getting elected and re-elected are No. 1 and No. 2. Whatever is No. 3 is fa...

Maldives-Political Turmoil Continues

If it happens once, it’s a mistake. If it happens twice, it’s a choice, and if it continues happening, then it sets a trend. In his tenure of over three years now as the President of the Maldives, Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom seems to be setting...

Diffidence, Defiance and Delusion: Maldives in Denial

'That which springs from comfort & consolation, is delusion of perception; For truth is absolute, not contingent on convenience'
Human beings often conveniently slide into a ‘state of denial’ to avoid and evade unset...

Maldives; The Political Game Continues - It’s the Vice President Now

Maldives continues to grapple with ongoing political turmoil. The latest issue which has not let the spotlight shift from the country’s political crisis is the attempted removal of current Vice-President Dr.Mohamed Jameel Ahamed by the ruling allia...

From Public Protest to Power Politics: The the crisis in Maldives

The ongoing political crisis in Maldives has not only raised serious doubts about the country’s democratic credentials but also resulted in international spotlight shifting its focus on Maldives’ human rights record and its capacity to deal with ...

Developments in Maldives: Challenges for India

With fears of confrontation between the supporters of President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom and former President and human right activist Mohamed Nasheed sparking a wave of unrest in this littoral nation, Maldives has yet again attracted world attent...

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