National Security and Strategic Studies
5G Technology: Transformational Synthesis for Armed Forces

Technological superiority has always been the main battle winning factor all through the history of warfare. With no matching weaponry in the Indian arsenal, Bharat, with all the requisite structures of a strong nationality, buckled in face of artill

Modi Government 2.0: Sure Footed Firmness vis-a-vis Pakistan

India, following the re-election of the Modi Government, is to be commended for its sure footed firmness in its dealings with Pakistan. Pakistan's repeated feelers for a resumption of talks have been rebuffed on the eminently legitimate ground th

Al Qaida Affiliate AGuH Leader Zakir Musa Killed in J&K - What Lies Ahead?

On 23 May 2019, while all the prime time news channels in India were intensely pre-occupied with news and analysis of the Parliamentary Election 2019, a few of them found time and space to flash a piece of a very significant security related news fro

Gunners March Ahead on a New Path of Resurgence: A Perspective

The Jinx of Bofors
It was not very long ago when the mere mention of Artillery summoned the unsavoury thought of 'the infamous Bofors'. A gun howitzer which in its aftermath of procurement dried up further acquisitions; for over three de

What should be India’s Pakistan Policy in PM Modi’s Second Term?

William Shakespeare had said, “Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown”. Amidst jubilations, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be sworn to bear his onerous responsibility for another five years. Since he has returned with full majority,

Burkina Faso to Indonesia : ‘Glocal’ Jihad of Brand ISIS

It’s not just the spread of capital, goods and services which go in tandem with globalisation. The spread of terror is also a part of multifarious activities that globalisation proliferates. Information is one instrument which facilitates dissemina

The Sri Lanka Attacks and the Threat Within

The Easter Sunday carnage in Sri Lanka that killed more than 250 people1 last month caught many by surprise2. The island nation had been enjoying a period of relative peace and stability since the civil war came to an end with t

Sabotage Acts outside the Port of Fujairah – Implications for India

On the morning of the 12th of May 2019, commercial ships were attacked outside the port of Fujairah in United Arab Emirates (UAE). Reports of the incident first emerged in pro-Iranian media outlets in the region. They initially claimed tha

Re-emergence of Islamic State’s Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

On Saturday, April 27, 2019, Islamic State’s (IS) central media outlet, Al-Furqan, released an 18-minute propaganda video featuring its ‘underground’ leader and self-proclaimed ‘Caliph Ibrahim’, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.1 It was the

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