Padma Bridge
Discussion on Development-Human Security Nexus: A Study on Padma Bridge Resettlement Areas

On 02 May, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organized a discussion on the book titled, “Development-Human Security Nexus: A Study on Padma Bridge Resettlement Areas, by Razia Sultana, Md Rafid Abrar Miah, Nahian Reza Sabriet, Md Nahiy....

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest - November 25, 2022

Putin: Forming 'Truly Inclusive Afghan Govt' is Priority: Tolo News
Russian President Vladmir Putin said that the formation of an inclusive government in Afghanistan is a priority for Russia and the countries of th....

The Padma Setu– Bangladesh’s Pride

‘Today the Padma is awash with the glow of red, blue, green and golden colours. The 41 spans (of the Padma bridge) are mirroring the courage of Bangladesh. I know Bangladeshi are proud. I am also delighted proud and elated. Overcoming many strug....

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