Joe Biden Presidency and West Asia

Join Amb. Anil Trigunayat and Hirak Jyoti Das unfold the current developments and upcoming trends in the West Asian region in light of the Joe Biden Presidency. Vivekananda International Foundation · Joe Biden Presidency and West Asia

Chinese Economy and India-China Economic Relations

Join Mr Santosh Pai and Dr Teshu Singh as they unfold the developments of Chinese Economy and India-China Economic Relations. Vivekananda International Foundation · Chinese Economy and India - China Economic Relations

Political Crises in Myanmar

01 February 2021, the Myanmar military declared a state of emergency for a year and arrested Aung San Suu Kyi and other government officials. The coup’s timings have been critical as 01 February was supposed to be the first session of Parliament....

China’s Domestic and Foreign Policy under Xi Jinping

Join Mr Jayadeva Ranade and Dr Teshu Singh as they discuss the internal situation in China, Chinese Economy, US-China Relations and India-China Relations. Vivekananda International Foundation · China’s Domestic And Foreign Policy Under Xi Jinping

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