Xavier Rozario asked : Why are we Indians are becoming more and more intolerant towards each other? There is so much hatred on religious, caste, social and such lines. Mob lynching is increasing, moral policing is increasing, rapes are increasing, communal hatred is increasing. Even small kids as young as 5-6 years now know how to hate their peers from other religions or communities! It pains me a lot to see these degenration !
Replied by VIF : Indians are essentially tolerant people and are used to living in coexistence. The Indian pluralistic society has in general provided a base for all to understand and appreciate our diversities as well as our individual distinctiveness. But there are certain sections that has at times indulged in creating divisions within people and society at large. The problem mentioned indeed, is actually a global phenomenon. Societies at large are becoming polarized and identity politics are assuming larger spaces than ever before. Several incidents of mindless attacks including on hapless innocent citizens including children does reveal a picture of growing hatred..