Osama Bin Laden
At the Center of The Storm- My Years at the CIA by George Tenet, Former Director CIA & The Great War of Our Time- the CIA’s Fight Against Terrorism- From al Qaida to ISIS by Michael Morell, Former Dy. Director CIA

Book Review

These two books paint a contemporaneous picture of the CIA’s fight against Islamic terrorism. George Tenet was the Director, CIA from 1997 to 2004, having the unique distinction of serving two Presidents, Clinton and Bush. While Tenet was inducted...

Reaping the Whirlwind; Michael Griffin; Pluto Press; PP 283; Price: Rs 1834

Book Review

Afghanistan 2014: Forward to the Past? This is not a recent book, comparatively speaking; it was published in 2001, but remains topical. It covers the rise of the Taliban in the mid- to late-1990’s, and examines the main actors in the rise of this...

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