Vimarsha on Teacher’s Day: Prof J S Rajput, former NCERT, Director

Noted educationist and former NCERT Director Prof J S Rajput addressed the Vimarsha programme at VIF on the occasion of Teacher’s Day on September 5, 2014. Speaking on the topic, ‘Education and Teachers: Emerging Perspectives’, he outlined....

Interaction with Chinese Scholars

Vivekananda International Foundation held an interactive session between eminent scholars from China and the VIF faculty on 27 August 2014. The session was organized to discuss Chinese President Xi Jinping’s upcoming visit to India in September and....

Interaction with Islamic Scholar Syed Babar Ashraf

Mr. Syed Babar Ashraf, noted Islamic scholar and National Secretary, All India Ulama & Mashaikh Board interacted with the VIF faculty on July 23, 2014. In his address, Ashraf traced the history of Wahabism and its growing presence in India. He sai....

Will President Xi Jinping’s Visit change the Contours of Sino-Indian Ties?

The coming visit of President Xi Jinping is being viewed as a visit that could define the next decade of engagement between the two Asian giants. It is generally accepted that Sino-Indian relationship could turn out to be more important than the....

India-Japan Ties: Tokyo Must Move Forward on Nuke Deal to Realise Strategic Potential

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s just concluded visit to Japan has been successful on various counts. Politically, the India-Japan relationship has been solidified; economically, prospects of major Japanese investments in India have improved; on the ....

President’s Visit to Further Boost India-Vietnam Ties

Introduction India’s External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj recently completed a visit to Vietnam from 24 August to 26 August 2014. During the visit, she interacted with the top leaders of the country and candidly stated that o....

India Should Leverage the Tectonic Shift in the Global Economic Order

As per Angus Maddison’s pioneering OECD study, India and China had nearly 50 percent of the global GDP as late as the1820‘s.1 Hence, India and China are not emerging or rising powers. They are merely retrieving their original position ....

PM Modi’s Visit to Nepal: Challenges and Opportunities

The past three months since the Narendra Modi-led NDA government assumed office in India have been momentous in terms of defining, inter alia, a new era of Indo-Nepal relations. The pace at which events have unfolded has been unprecedented. Starting ....

India Playing Catch up along China Frontier

After years of neglecting the Northern frontiers, the Indian Army and the Indian Air Force are re-calibrating their strategy giving a hard push to improving its war-fighting capabilities against its more powerful neighbour. Ladakh for instance is bu....

Is Pakistan On Way from Failing to Failed State?

A theatre of the absurd is on display in Islamabad with the street-fighters of Imran Khan and Tahirul Qadri breaching the barricades to storm the Parliament and lay siege to the Prime Minister’s House. The denouement of this clear collapse of state....

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