कोविड-19 पर हिंद-प्रशांत बैठक

हिंद-प्रशांत के कुछ देशों के बीच 20 मार्च को कोविड-19 महामारी पर टेलीकॉन्फ्रेंस आयोजित की गई। बैठक....

Indo-Pacific meeting on COVID-19

On 20th of March a teleconference was held amongst some countries of the Indo-Pacific on the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting was called by US and the participating countries included India, Japan, Australia, South Korea, New Zealand and Vietnam. The o....

COVID-19 Disrupts Maritime Supply Chains

The COVID-19 virus has impacted global maritime transportation sector including cruise liner industry. A number of major manufacturing hubs and markets across China have stopped businesses and manufacturing by small and medium enterprises has been pu....

Review of Japan 2019 and Outlook for 2020

2019 was an eventful year for Japan in both national and international domains. From an imperial transition to being the G20 Chair, to major trade agreements and the deadly Typhoon Hagibis, the year was filled with its share of ups and downs for Japa....

Developments in the Indo-Pacific in 2019

The Indo-Pacific as a geo-political idea has been in the currency since the last couple of years. In the year 2019 the idea seems to have gained more acceptance. In some measures, the stakeholders are working towards giving shape to this idea. Some ....

2019 was a Challenging Year for Indian Foreign Policy, 2020 will be even more so

US-China trade war deepened in 2019 despite some signs of thaw towards the end. Unexpectedly, President Trump was impeached by the US congress on the charges of having misused his power and for not cooperating with the Cong....

भारतीय राजनय और हिन्द-प्रशांत महासागर

हिन्द-प्रशांत महासागर का भारत की कार्टोग्राफिक सीमा पश्चिमी प्रशांत महासागर से लेकर दक्षिण-प�....

The US-China Naval Balance in East Asia

The United States of America and the People’s Republic of China are locked in what the Trump administration calls “strategic competition” in trade and technology, China’s diplomatic overtures to change the existing East Asian order, and milit....

VIF-IISS-BHC Roundtable on the Indian Ocean

On 17 October the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) in conjuncture with the Institute of International and Strategic Studies, (IISS) London and the British High Commission organised a day-long roundtable on the Indian Ocean. The idea behind ....

एक्ट फार ईस्ट नीति: भारत की विदेश नीति में नया अंग

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी रूस के राष्ट्रपति व्लादीमिर पुतिन के न्योते पर 4-5 सितंबर 2019 को ईस्टर्....

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