Islamic Emirate
Neighborhood News Digest- 06 February 2024

Posting of UN Special Envoy for Afghanistan against UN Law: Mujahid- Tolo News
The Islamic Emirate spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said that the appointment of the UN special envoy for Afghanistan—a vacancy approved ....

Neighbourhood News Digest- 8 December 2023

Stanikzai: Ban on Girls' Schooling Cause of Distance with Public- Tolo News
The Deputy Foreign Minister, Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, stressed the importance of reopening schools for girl students beyond grade ....

Neighborhood News Digest – 22 November 2023

Islamic Emirate Reacts to UN's Assessment of Afghanistan- Tolo News
The Islamic Emirate in a document to the United Nations articulated its stance towards the assessment of the situation of Afghanistan conducted by....

AZIZ's NOTEBOOK: at the heart of the iranian revolution; Chowra Makaremi; Translated by Renuka George; Yoda Press; PP 149; Price Rs 250

Can there be anything in common between the Islamic Revolution led by the Ayatollahs of Iran, the formation of a medieval Islamic Emirate by the Taliban of Afghanistan, the Cultural Revolution unleashed by the Red Guards of Maoist China and the patho....

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