oil prices
Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor (07-13 August)


New US Rule on China Investments Creates ‘Agony’ of Ambiguity
Money managers, lobbyists and members of Congress had hoped President Joe Biden’s long-awaited restrictions on investment in China would make clear w....

Neighborhood News Digest – 3 July 2023


Afghanistan least peaceful country in the world, says IEP; Taliban calls report "unjust" – The Economic Times
The Taliban has criticized the Institute for Economics and Peace's 'Global Peace Index 2022' findings....

Will International Oil Prices Continue to be Volatile?

India is set to enter 2019 as one of the fastest growing economies in the world with a growth rate projection by the International Monetary Fund, set at 7.4 percent and Organisation for Economic Development at 7.5 percent.1 But such a fore....

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