Prospects for the Political Settlement of Ukraine Crisis

(The following is the transcript of presentation made during an International Webinar on “Road to Peace: Prospects for the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis” organised by China Institute of International Studies, Beijing on 26 May 202....

Neighborhood News Digest – 20 April 2023

US watchdog ‘cannot assure’ Afghanistan aid not going to Taliban - Aljazeera
The head of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) has decried a lack of transparency from United States ag....

Values for Reforming Multilateralism and Creating a New World Order

In the past few years, the international system has increasingly displayed tendencies of being subordinate to narrow national interests. The COVID pandemic revealed the limits of cooperation when countries turned inwards to cope with the deadly virus....

Risks of Exaggeration: What to Make of Russia’s Relations with China after the Xi Visit

Xi Jinping’s three-day visit to Moscow, 20-23March, his first abroad in his third term as China’s President, evoked considerable interest. Two joint statements and a dozen bilateral cooperation documents were signed. Xi’s personal equation wit....

Has Singapore Changed its Stance on Ukraine?

On 8th of March 2023, Singapore’s minister for Home Affairs K. Shanmugam delivered the keynote address on the occasion of one year of the Russia-Ukraine war at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. His speech took a critical view of the West which merit....

India Impacted by the Great Geopolitical Churn

Any attempt towards predicting the emerging world order is more likely to be incorrect. The geopolitical churn is so immense and future so fundamentally incomprehensible that it will be well served to desist from dire prognostications. The era is cau....

Neighborhood News Digest – 06 March 2023

Iran opens trade center, permanent exhibition in Kabul – Tehran Times
Iran’s trade center and permanent exhibition of Iranian products was inaugurated in Kabul on Sunday, the Iranian Embassy in Afghanistan announc....

War and peace in Ukraine one year on

Russia, Ukraine and NATO are locked into inflexible positions that do not permit compromise sans loss of face. Four days before the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, US President Joe Biden undertook an arduous journey to ....

One year of Russia’s war on Ukraine: A war of attrition, with no exit options in sight

No one has a clear definition of victory or end goals. The Western bloc is enthusiastically pursuing sanctions against Russia for the moment but countries like India have wisely chosen to prioritise its own economic needs The Russia-Ukraine war is....

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: January 2023

Vivekananda International Foundation commenced 2023 with renewed vigour in which seven expert groups met and two of which had interactions with ambassadors from Singapore and Italy. The areas of interest were China, Iran, US, Pakistan, Indo-Pacific, ....

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