On The Eve of the Doha Round - Afghan Women Claim Their Space in the Peace Talks

This is an exceptionally confusing and exciting time in Afghanistan, and (we hope) a turning point in the history of the country. The US and the Afghan government representatives, together with civil society representatives are due to sit across the....

India-Maldives: Strengthening Partnership

With the Indo-Pacific region vying for greater international attention, the Indian Ocean has assumed a greater criticality for the regional powers. Inevitably, India and China competing for greater influence in the common waters has lent the region w....

Supreme Court on Rafael Papers

The political slugfest that erupted after the Supreme Court rejected the Centre’s objections on a bunch of Rafael papers published in the media and relied upon by petitioners demanding a probe into the deal, has unfortunately obliterated the larger....

Limitations of Trump’s “Maximum Pressure” Strategy on North Korea

On 30 November 2018, the Japanese agencies spotted the North Korean vessels engaged in offshore ship-to-ship transfers with foreign vessels conducting illegal activities on the consecutive days.1 The offshore couplings is among the scores ....

Pakistani Estimates of the Eastern River Water Flows

It may be recalled that the Indus Water Treaty, 1960 (IWT) between India and Pakistan, brokered by the World bank, allocated three rivers each, known as the Eastern Rivers (Ravi, Beas, Sutlej) to India, and the Western Rivers (Indus, Chenab, Jhelum) ....

Kabul’s Muscle-Flexing amidst recent Tensions

Prime Minister Imran Khan’s recent assertion that Pakistan would play a key role in the Afghan peace settlement has contributed to the latest downswing of ties between these two nations.1 In his address to journalists, Imran Khan not onl....

India’s Post-Pulwama Response

The attack on Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) convoy in Pulwama, J&K, shook the nation. This has been the worst hit on the security forces of its kind. The nation was horrified and there were widespread demands to respond with an iron hand. There....

Bull’s Eye - Chak De India

27 March, 2019 will go down as the most memorable day of this decade when India demonstrated an indigenous and operational Anti-Satellite Technology (ASAT) System, the fourth nation to do so in the world after USA, Russia and China. The DRDO and ISRO....

A-SAT Missile Test: A Testimony to India's Growing Military and Scientific Prowess

India's successful conduct of ‘Mission Shakti’ - an anti-satellite (A-SAT) missile test - on March 27, 2019 is testimony to its growing military and scientific prowess. The test entailed the destruction of an Indian satellite operating in lower e....

Brexit, EU and future of Regional Integration

The EU Summit on 21st March decided to extend the Brexit dead-line beyond 29th March. However, it set two dead-lines instead of one. A slightly longer dead-line of 22nd May is in case British Parliament approves the ....

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