The contribution of services sector[1] to the Indian economy is well-recognized. With a significant share of over 50% in gross domestic product (GDP) (Economic Survey, 2021-22, M
The contribution of services sector[1] to the Indian economy is well-recognized. With a significant share of over 50% in gross domestic product (GDP) (Economic Survey, 2021-22, M
US President Harry Truman entangled in an array of economic views had famously asked for a “one-armed economist”.[1] A team of economists pronouncing “On the one hand,
The year 2022 will go down in history in which the great power rivalries returned with a vengeance. Even as the Covid pandemic lingered on, the world saw a major conflict erupting in Europe, bringing in its wake huge supplychain disruptions, an unpre
Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) decisive move to initially discount the growing promises and popularity of crypto currency in India is quite praiseworthy. In a highly uncertain, volatile and non-transparent global financial regime, adoption of crypto
There are several firsts about Budget 2022-23. The first of the firsts is that this is the only Budget in recent memory when the finance minister’s speech was not disturbed even once. The usual shoutings for this or that segment, or for states were
One day, Sage Durvasa offered Indra a garland of flowers. Indra annoyed by the bees surrounding the garland threw it to the floor which enraged Goddess Lakshmi. The Goddess of wealth upset with Indra left the Devaloka and the gods started losing powe
Back in March 2020, the Reserve Bank of India proposed an SBI-led restructuring package for the struggling Yes Bank by exercising a clause in a manner no one expected.1 The proposed restructuring entailed writing down of over Rs.8400 crore
एशिया-प्रशांत आर्थिक सहयोग (एपीईसी) का शिखर सम्मेलन 20 नवम्बर को मलयेशिया में किया गया। इस फोरम क�