Commentaries & Articles
Islam’s Dilemmas: Perspectives From a Non Islamic Angle

Islam encompasses all the nobilities that every other religion has, compassion, love, justice, brotherhood, equality etc. but it also poses several dilemmas. The dilemmas arise, as the values instilled by Islam were those needed for bringing order....

Islam and its many Trends

Except the war zones, Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan and the proxy war zones Kashmir and India, for quite sometime the rest of the world has not witnessed a major terrorist incident. The credit for this goes to the high grade counter terrorism measu....

Indian Intelligence: Awaiting Still Its Tryst with Destiny

Indian Intelligence is frequently in the news, often for the wrong reasons. It is a favourite kicking target for a large number of those who compulsively articulate, like the media, political leaders, academics etc. Why should it be so when its stell....

Asian Security Environment and India’s Options

Asian security environment is in a state of deep turmoil. The single event which has occasioned it is the giant rise of China during the past couple of decades, reaching higher and higher levels of economic and military strength. All neighbors of Chi....


Intimations of mortality of an incumbent regime, especially a civilian government, are nothing new for Pakistan. But doomsday scenarios about the imminent demise of the not just the political system but also the State have never been peddled as furi....


The conclusion on August 21 of the fourth round of the India-Japan strategic dialogue at Foreign Minister level provides the peg to assess the current state of India-Japan relations. These relations are headed in the right direction, but it has taken....

The Pentagon Report and China’s Response

The release of Pentagon Report on China’s defense capability and its subsequent response from the PRC has become an annual ritual since year 2000. According to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2000, the Pentagon decided to publish such rep....

China’s Stake over Sea

America’s decision of changing the venue of joint military maneuver with South Korea in Japan Sea last month in the face of Chinese pressure indicates the limit of balance-of-power dynamics practiced so far by the US and China. Does the reversal of....


Pakistan’s commercial capital, Karachi, is no stranger to politically motivated violence. Since the mid 1980’s, when the MQM erupted on the political firmament of Karachi, political violence had pretty much come to be accepted as an integral par....

State of Mind of the Chinese Nation

Knowledge plays a vital role in nation building and in controlling of society. From the last decade of nineteenth century to the May Fourth period, Chinese intellectuals of different backgrounds – reformists, revolutionaries, pragmatist thinkers, a....

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