Commentaries & Articles
Enhancing the Indo-US Defence Relations: Dissecting the Three ‘Foundational’ Agreements

Introduction The international environment remains in flux. Even though there is a belief that major wars are unlikely yet history has the uncanny knack of surprising us; it is therefore encumbent for nation states while abjuring conflict....

Myanmar Elections: Legitimacy and Beyond

Feeble public interest in the elections in Myanmar scheduled for 7 November 2010 has not influenced neighbours of the country from watching keenly the unfolding scenario. The military regime seems to have decided on the exercise in order to gain some....

Strategic Ties Low on Prez’s Agenda

As President Obama’s visit comes closer, hopes that it will produce the results it should are receding. Background briefings from both sides suggest no big announcements will be made. The focus of the visit has shifted from strategy to the economy....

Obama’s visit, India’s hopes

US President Barack Obama’s visit to India in early November has not generated much excitement so far despite its great importance and the enthusiasm that his inspirational election victory had produced almost two years ago. His complex personality....


Given the economic mutuality of the two countries, India may elicit a recognition of its territorial integrity from the US The tensile strength of the India-US strategic partnership will be tested during President Obama’s forthcoming visit to In....

Civil Nuclear Liability Bill is an Asset

The Civil Nuclear Liability Bill passed by Parliament needs a dispassionate appraisal as controversy has surrounded it. Its passage has not been greeted with any particular enthusiasm, as the government did not get exactly what it wanted and the oppo....


President Obama’s forthcoming visit to India is awaited with muted expectations. Both sides need a “successful” visit so that the substantial political investment already made in the bilateral relationship is protected. The absence of a “....

Erosion of the Basis of the Russia-India-China Dilogue

It is widely accepted that the global power balance is shifting from the Euro-Atlantic area to Asia, with China and India the principal emerging powers. How does Russia, which straddles both Europe and Asia, position itself in the developing scenario....

The Dangers of Going Into Denial

China’s denial of a normal visa to General Jaswal, who heads India’s Northern Command, for the fourth round of the defence dialogue in Beijing — because he came from the “sensitive location of Jammu and Kashmir” and “people from this part....

Soft State Style Won’t Work In J&K

The turmoil in Kashmir continues and government’s nerve seems to be cracking. Curfews, police firings, dying protesters have not broken the momentum of the street protests. Pressure to find a “political” solution to the problem has increased, a....

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