The Quad Plus think tanks dialogue was held in Sydney from 20-21 Feb, 2019. Participants were the hosts Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), along with Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF), India, Japan Institute of International Affa
The Quad Plus think tanks dialogue was held in Sydney from 20-21 Feb, 2019. Participants were the hosts Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), along with Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF), India, Japan Institute of International Affa
(A Track 1.5 dialogue hosted by think tanks from Australia, India, Japan, and the U.S., and Quad-Plus Partner France) Participants: Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), Japan Institute for International Affairs (JIIA), The Heritage Founda
In an endeavour to introduce foreign diplomats posted in India to the conceptual frameworks and thought processes in the light of India’s cultural moorings and traditions that go into crafting of foreign and security policies, 47 foreign diplomats
The discussion traced the evolution of the Hindutva phenomenon since the Vedic period to the present, and recorded the contributions of key great personalities to its growth which led to the proliferation of Hindutva (but not anti-others) sentiments
With the recitation of peace mantra, the monthly tradition of Vimarsha was flagged off on 11th February 2019, at the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) with a discussion on ‘Digital Innovation and Disruption in India’, which was spearhead