S Gurumurthy, Chairman, VIF

Left Historians were noseled by Karl Marx and Max Weber who influenced 20th Century Indian intellectualism, academics and historians. Karl Marx two articles in New York Harold Tribune in 1854 and Max Webers religion of Hinduism & Buddhism were their bible.

Karl Marx wrote that India's village republics were less exploitative but they kept India unchanged for 2k years; so Indians who worshipped monkeys & Cows were semi barbaric. Unless Indian socio economic structure is destroyed India cannot be prepared for revolution.

British are destroying the Indian society for their colonial & evil designs. But they are preparing Indians for revolution which is necessary for revolution in India. Though their destruction is painful it is pleasurable too said Marx, quoting Goethe. This shaped Indian Left.

Marx said Indians can't develop unless they cease to be civilisationally Indians. In early 20th C Max Weber went further to say as Indians follow Hinduism which beleive in Karma & rebirth.can't develop at all under capitalist economics which is driven by individual enterprise.

Indus civilization was found later. In 1983 great economic historian Paul Bairoch said India & China commanded 60% of worlds GDP in 1750 & they crashed only in the 2nd half of the 20th century. French historians wrote Asia had better standard of living than Europeans in 18-19c.

West couldn't take it. OECD constituted Development Studies Institute under Angus Madison in 1893 to prove Bairoch wrong. Angus Madison expressly proceeded on that basis. In 2001 he came out with his Magnum Opus World Economic History a Millennial Perspective. What did he say-

Angus Madison said that from 1st century CE to 15th Century India was the economic powerhouse of the world with more than 1/3 to 1/4 of world GDP. China was no 2. China overtook in 16th C India overtook China in 17C. Their combined GDP which was 60% crashed to 8% as 19th C ended.

Madison explicitly said India was exploited by colonial rule and that was why it lost. These studies were post Marx and Weber view of India which was based on no research or study. Neither Marx nor Weber knew India or met any Indian. They formed opinion about us & we accepted.

Left Historians' mind is frozen in Karl Marx portrayal of India in his 2 articles in International Herald Tribune in 1854 as a semi barbaric society worshipping monkeys and cows, saying though it's village republic are not exploitative India hasn't changed for 2k years...

Max Weber said because India and China can never develop as they believed in karma and rebirth and so lacked individualist and entrepreneurial spirit needed to succeed in capitalist world. Marx & Weber were the greatest influence on English educated maxists moderniats & seculars.

While science has moved from perceptible matter to imperceptible atom & subatom to to Roger Pensose finding that a pre-existing universal consciousness not capable of mathematical calculation as the origin of universe while the India left is still frozen on Newtonian world.

Nobel scientists Shroedinger, Heisenberg, Neils Borg, Brian Davidson, and Charles Townes say Vedas and Upanishads which speak of one super consciousness Brahman as manifesting in energy alone explain the origin of universe. Indian left speaks of science but doesn't know it.

It is that Vedas which the great scientists said as containing the ultimate secrets of creation which the left Historian Romila Thapar, for instance, dismissed the Rig Veda as merely "primitive animism struggling in ignorance," What an illiterate scholarship that ignores science.

It is clear. If Vedas contain scientific truth, the Vedic Rishis were scholars of science as aligned to spiritualism. If they are so accomplished the Indian history starts with them. If 4-5 k years before such scholars existed they couldnt have existed as isolated individuals.

There must have been an evolved ecosystem, a functioning society, a fully developed social spiritual and cultural order which made such deep and sustained work on man and nature and the greatest secrets of creation which modern scientists are struggling to unravel.

Will left Historians & contemporary academics study history as related to contemporary science and not as an isolated silo of study. Will they study or allow the study the work of great seers and sages contained in the Vedas and Upanishads without abusing it as saffronisation.

This will answer whether ancient India was semi barbaric as Marx said, disqualified for development like Weber said or whether India was an economic power and fell by colonialism and whether it holds the secrets of nature which modern science is struggling to unravel.

How do 18% humans, 30% bovines, 40% cattle, 8% bio species live on 2.4% of global land? It is because India uses its entire farm land for cereals which gives 83% of calorie and 37% protein (meat gives only 17% & 37%) respectively. We consume 180kg of cereal & 3.5 kg meat per head.

US has 3.5 times our land 1/4 our human, 1/5 of our bovine & cattle and uses 80% of its farm land for meat and consumes 124kg meat per capita. Co2 gas emmission from meat is 10 to 100 times more as compared to cereal. India food say ecologists cools the world, west heats it up.

If western food habits is adopted by india, it will need 6 times the farm land it has. If world adopts US habits it will need 40% more farm land than it has. If world adopts Indian food habits it will need only 25% of the farm land it uses and that will solve the global warming.

Indian food iscereal driven with less meat. 2/3 of Indians are non veg. But meat is not main food. It is sabji. Non veg is not eaten on many days on religious grounds. This is to reduce meat consumption. Is this cereal rich food habit which alone has saved India just an accident.

Or is there a grand mind behind? Why Indian sages restricted meat. The religious rule only restrained Brahmins & Vaishyas from meat. Not others. Why the restraint even on others. It is to promote cereal which environmental science today regards as the sustainable food habit.

Is this scientific or accident that we have a sustainable food habit. Given that our vedic rishis meditated on the very scientific origin of creation which nobel laureates commend now, is it not fair to say that sustainable indian food is also a well thought out life model.

Should we not break the silos of specialisation which limits overarching knowledge and integrate the different disciplines and get at the insights of our ancient seers. How long are we going to abuse them and dismiss our past which Nobel laureates are pursuing.

I am challenging the left and liberals to come with their counter points.

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