Nepali Congress
Political Instability Resurfaces Again in Nepal

Nepal, nestled between the two biggest Asian economies—India and China—is again witnessing political uncertainties. The ruling Left Alliance is on the brink of collapse following the withdrawal of support from the Communist Party of Nepal (Unifie....

Roundtable Discussion on Current Developments in Nepal and Implications for India

On 15 March 2024, the Vivekananda International Foundation organised a round table discussion on the "Current Developments in Nepal and Implications for India''. Brig Vinod Anand, Senior Fellow, delivered the opening remarks, followed by brief presen....

Recent Political Developments in Nepal: What next?

On March 4, Pushpa Kamal Dahal, Prime Minister and the leader of the Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist Centre (CPN-MC) stunned the nation by severing a 15-month-long alliance with Nepali Congress and forging a coalition with the left parties, including....

Neighborhood News Digest- 20 February 2024

Second Doha Meeting on Afghanistan Ends in Qatar- Tolo News
The second Doha meeting on Afghanistan ended with a press briefing of the UN Secretary-General on Monday. In the press conference, Secretary-General Anton....

Interaction with Visiting Delegation of Political Leaders from Nepal

On 12 December 2023, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organised an interaction with a ten member visiting delegation of political leaders from Nepal. Dr. Arvind Gupta, the Director VIF, gave the introductory remarks, followed by the int....

Neighbourhood News digest - 03 May 2023

Afghanistan’s women and Taliban vie for spotlight at top UN Doha meet – Independent
Hundreds of Afghan women have taken part in protests to criticise what they see as an intentional decision to sideline them f....

Neighborhood News Digest – 27 March 2023

Kabul rejects Washington’s claim over IS strength in Afghanistan – The Statesman
The Taliban-led caretaker government in Afghanistan has dismissed Washington’s claim over the alleged stronger presence of Daesh o....

Post-election turmoil within Nepalese politics

Nepal politics never has a dull moment. From elections to government formation to maintaining the government, each aspect of Nepal politics is nothing short of a thriller. In 2022, Nepal held its second local, provincial and federal elections since t....

Assessment of the Nepal Elections 2022

The year 2022 witnessed elections at all three levels of government in Nepal. These were the second elections held at each level since the Nepalese Constitution that was enacted in the year 2015. Nepal has had a tumultuous past in terms of its politi....

Making sense of Nepal Elections

New government has been formed in Nepal after much anticipation with Prachanda as the Prime Minister. Leading 170 members in 275 member House of Representatives, his party Nepal Communist Party (Maoist Centre) [NCP(MC)] has allied with KP Sharma Oli ....

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