The art of a Bloodless War

This is the lesson from Ladakh — when cracks are papered over, they reappear several conclusions can be drawn from The India-China Stand-off in Ladakh. One, China can create an incident on the unsettled border at a time and place of its choosing, i....

No First Use Nuclear Doctrine with “Chinese Characteristics”

Introduction Like a chameleon, the dragon, very predictably is changing its colors with regards to its often stated nuclear doctrine of “no first use” (NFU). Since 1964 when China conducted its first nuclear weapon test, China has repea....

Dragon in The Tent

China’s motives in provoking the Depsang valley incident in Ladakh are not easy to decipher. The Line of Actual Control (LAC) on the undemarcated India-China border is not defined on the ground, unlike in the case of the Line of Control in J&K. We ....

Sino Indian Standoff in Ladakh: Implications and Options

On April 15th around 50 PLA soldiers intruded about 10 Km inside Indian territory in eastern Ladakh and erected a tented post there. Efforts to get the area vacated through flag meetings, activation of the bilateral joint secretary level m....

Assessment: PRC’s White Paper on Defence

China has come out with its latest white paper on defence as part of its regular exercise to covey to the world that it has been exhibiting higher levels of military transparency. However, the paper is an exercise in strategic communication both to....

Let’s not Get too Relaxed on China

Reports of Chinese soldiers intruding 10 kilometres into Ladakh challenge once again our assumptions about the stability of the situation on the unsettled India-China border. Our expanding relationship with China has encouraged thinking that the bord....

Interaction with members of Goodwill Delegation from China Association for International Friendly Contacts (CAIFC)

On 18th March 2013, VIF team led by Ambassador P.P. Shukla interacted with members of Goodwill Delegation from the China Association of International Friendly Contacts (CAIFC). The VIF team included Sandhya Jain, Prof. Makkhan Lal, and Pro....

China Strengthens its Missile Defence Capabilities: Implications for India

China conducted another ground-based mid-course missile-defence (GMD) test in January end to signify its increasing potential in missile interception capabilities. This test builds upon an earlier test in January 2010 which was again carried out to t....

What Does the Chinese Take Over of Gwadar Imply?

In a development that did not cause any surprise, Pakistan has handed over the administrative control of the Gwadar Sea Port on Makrana coast in Balochistan province to China Overseas Ports Holding Company, a move that would provide China the much ne....

Hydro Power Projects Race to Tap the Potential of Brahmaputra River

For past many years while China has been in the news for its efforts in exploiting the vast hydro power potential of Yarlung Tsangpo River of Tibet Autonomous Region India has also been attempting to tap the potential of this river known as Brahmaput....

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